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Civilization collapse imminent in crime-ridden New York City, as man’s pocket picked as he lay trapped under a vehicle
By JD Heyes // Oct 11, 2022

In another sign that our society is on the brink of total collapse, thanks to years of attacks by the Marxist Democratic left, a horrific scene unfolded in New York City in recent days.

According to the New York Post, as a man trapped underneath a tractor-trailer rig lay dead, a woman came up to the body and picked the dead man's pocket, even as ghoulish onlookers cheered. Because of the theft of his wallet, police were not immediately able to identify him or notify his next of kin, the report added.

The report added:

The gruesome crash occurred as the victim, who police said was believed to be in his 50s, was crossing Eighth Avenue at West 44th Street around 11:30 a.m. Thursday.

Video shows the thief, wearing white pants and a black jacket, shimmying under the truck toward the dead man and smoothly reaching for his wallet.

Giddy onlookers — seemingly unbothered by the sight of the dead man — egged her on.

“Go ahead, gangsta! Go ahead!” one man can be heard saying on the video as she moved in to pick the dead man's pocket.

Shaken witnesses called police on the brazen robbery, but so far, NYPD officers have yet to apprehend the alleged crook who is nevertheless wanted for grand larceny, police sources told The Post.

"The devilish crime did succeed in dragging out the tragedy — without the victim’s wallet, cops don’t know who he is and haven’t been able to reach his family," the report said. "No charges have been filed against the driver, a police spokeswoman said on Saturday."

Several New Yorkers, however, did react with horror at the gruesome scene and thoughtless crime.

“It’s like the Gladiators. Nobody came in to stop? That’s even more disturbing,” Elma Kanefield, 83, a therapist who lives on the Upper West Side of the city, told The Post.

Fifty-one-year-old security guard Marco Nieves, who works at the St. James Theater on West 44th Street, told The Post he was "lost for words." He added: "“To see somebody dead under a truck and actually do that — that’s horrible."

“F–king New York, man," added another man named Tommy, who works in security.

Theo Cooper, 25, a tech support engineer who lived in Manhattan but moved to North Carolina when he turned 18, said the outrageous theft did not make him miss New York City one iota.

“I am kinda disappointed, I didn’t think New York was the kind of place where that would happen,” Cooper said. “Sure, we’re used to being all grumpy and frustrated at each other, but we’re also supposed to stick up for each other and not like convince each other to do terrible things.”

Crime is up in New York City by double digits over last year, which was an increase over 2020, like most other major U.S. cities run by far-left 'soft on crime' Democrats.

To that end, things have gotten so bad in California that residents there are moving to Mexico, which has its own problems with the deadly drug cartels.

According to CNBC report, “The California exodus continues as residents head south of the border,” “a rising number of former Californians are migrating out of the country altogether and are instead heading south of the border.”

“I would say at least half are coming down from California,” Darrell Graham of Baja123 Real Estate Group told the outlet. “Suddenly, the cost of taxes, the crime rates, the politics, all the things that people are unhappy with in California are coming down to Mexico.”

Currently, as many as 200,000 Californians now commute between California and Mexico on a daily basis because “many of them work in California and live just below the border in Baja California due to its proximity.”

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