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Four celebrities ‘die suddenly’ within one week
By News Editors // Sep 16, 2022

Four celebrities from the film and sports industries died unexpectedly within one week, with the causes of death claimed to be unknown.


(Article by Yudi Sherman republished from AmericanFrontlineNews.com)

It began with former Notre Dame football star Paul Duncan, who died June 15 at the age of 35 after suddenly going into cardiac arrest during a run.

“We will have a medical examination to understand cause of death,” shared his wife, Ellen Duncan, in an Instagram post.

Duncan was followed by former NFL football star Charles Johnson, who died suddenly on June 19 at the age of 50. The Super Bowl winner’s death is being investigated and no cause of death has been released, according to CBS17.

That same day, The Voice and America’s Got Talent star Nolan Neal was found dead at the age of 41, cause of death unknown.

On Thursday, actress and singer Shonka Dukureh, who starred in the recent hit biopic Elvis, was found dead in her Nashville apartment at the age of 44. Fox News reported that the Nashville Metro Police Department has ruled out foul play, but no cause of death has been released.

While he is not deceased, American Pickers star Frank Fritz was hospitalized Thursday after suffering a sudden stroke.

"Frank has suffered a stroke and is in the hospital," Fritz’s friend Mike Wolfe wrote in a Thursday Instagram post. "Please keep him in your hearts and thoughts. Frank I pray more than anything that you make it through this okay. I love you buddy."

Last month, Americas Frontline News reported on the death of Canadian comedian Nick Nemeroff who died suddenly in his sleep without apparent cause. The 32-year-old comic had achieved modest acclaim, with appearances on Canadian television and Conan O’Brien and was nominated for Comedy Album of the Year at the 2021 Juno Awards.

Also last month, Rep. Sean Casten’s (D-IL) 17-year-old daughter Gwen passed away suddenly in her sleep. No cause of death was announced and her death remains a mystery. Rep. Casten did not respond to America’s Frontline News’ request for an update.

Media outlets have been reporting an alarming rise in “mysterious” deaths occurring among young, healthy people that is baffling doctors. The deaths occur most commonly in people under 40 and usually are due to cardiac arrest.

According to the reports, doctors are “baffled” and have even designated a term for this phenomenon: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SADS).

“What is SADS? Healthy young people dying from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” reported news.com.au.

“Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register,” wrote the Daily Mail.

“’SADS is an 'umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people',’” it continued, quoting from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Read more at: AmericanFrontlineNews.com

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