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Anti-animal food TERRORISTS are vandalizing milk processing centers, disrupting food supply and worsening global famine
By Ethan Huff // Sep 12, 2022

To fight the "cruel and destructive" practice of animal farming, a terrorist group called "Animal Rebellion" is reportedly vandalizing milk processing centers all throughout the United Kingdom in pursuit of a "plant-based future."


Circulating video footage – watch below – shows members of the Animal Rebellion terrorist organization, most of whom appear to be younger white females, blasting white spray paint all over the wall and fence of a company in Great Britain that produces milk and dairy products for consumers.

"I'm here today with other concerned members of Animal Rebellion," one young woman and member of the group said as narration to the video. "It is the first day of Liz Truss's questions as PM (prime minister)."

"We are here asking the most important question facing the British public today: What is she going to do about the current climate and ecological emergency? We want her to invest in a plant-based future."

The woman went on in the video to claim that animal agriculture, including fishing, is the "leading cause of the climate crisis" – this, despite the fact that humanity has been fishing and raising animals since pretty much the beginning of time.

In the background as the woman is speaking, scenes show members of Animal Rebellion lying down in the streets with banners, signs, and clothing demanding a "plant-based future."

Leftist women want you eating GMO "plants," not the meat we and our ancestors lived on for millennia

Most of the people depicted appear as you might expect. There is a typical demographic that engages in this type of ridiculous behavior, and at Animal Rebellion it is on full display.

"We are also in a cost of living crisis," the woman in the video went on to add to her list of complaints. "The current government are doing nothing to protect the people." (Related: The U.K. is among the many Western powers that are engineering a food crisis while blaming Russia for it.)

The "solutions," the woman went on to suggest, include closing down all farms and fisheries and transitioning them "to a plant-based food system."

"If we do that, we can free up the vast amounts of the land of the U.K.," the woman added gleefully. "We can re-wild and we can draw carbon down from the atmosphere. This is the solution and we are asking her (Truss) to invest in the people."

"We are asking her to protect the people, and we are asking for a plant-based future," the video concluded.

In the below video, Animal Rebellion was seen targeting Arla Hatfield, another milk processing and distribution center. Even though millions of Brits rely on Arla Hatfield's products to feed their families, Animal Rebellion says it has to go in order to "green" the planet.

"These domestic terrorists are using property destruction, not democracy, to force us all into their way of life," wrote a commenter about Animal Rebellion. "How is that acceptable?"

"Godless people raised in Godless homes," added another. "They have no idea about how God created the world and has a plan."

More related news about the militant climate crusade can be found at ClimateAlarmism.news.

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