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The Resistance Chicks: Biden’s attempt to smear MAGA movement backfires, “feeds the MAGA beast” – Brighteon.TV
By Kevin Hughes // Sep 09, 2022

The Resistance Chicks Leah and Michelle Svensson told their viewers that President Joe Biden's unpleasant comments about Make America Great Again (MAGA) Republicans did not elicit a positive response.


"Biden's speech, in which he characterized MAGA Republicans as a dark threat, has not exactly generated a positive response," said the elder Leah on the Sept. 2 episode of "Headline News: The Resistance Chicks" on Brighteon.TV. She added that a few people even tried to spin it around with the hopes of dispersing the bigger MAGA movement.

However, the move to smear the MAGA movement backfired as it woke up many people to what is actually happening in the United States. Leah remarked that the attempts to discredit the movement only "fed the MAGA beast."

The elder Svensson sister then played the reaction of Fox News host Tucker Carlson to Biden's speech, which the president delivered on the evening of Sept. 1 at Philadelphia's Independence National Historic Park.

The host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" said Biden has crossed over into a very dangerous place. He added that Biden's threats against former President Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are totally immoral and a complete outrage. (Related: Tucker Carlson rips Biden over divisive speech, calls it a 'turning point in American history'.)

Michelle, the younger Svensson sister, remarked that Biden's speech reminded her of the movies "V for Vendetta" and "Star Wars" due to the dark red background. She also pointed out that most Americans are MAGA Republicans – and that they enabled Trump to ascend to the White House in 2016.

Leah said many are unaware that the Left is trying to make Biden look like the good guy – which is not true. She also noted that the president's surreal speech and the Marines behind him were reminiscent of Adolf Hitler and the SS soldiers that flanked the dictator.

MAGA Republicans are violent threat to the Dems in a spiritual way

In his speech, Biden said Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent "an extremism that threatens the foundations of the American republic." The former vice president added that the bigger GOP is "dominated, driven and intimidated" by Trump and the GOP members that back him.

Biden added that MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution, do not believe in the rule of law and do not recognize the will of the people. He also mentioned how MAGA Republicans have refused to accept the results of a free election – pertaining to the rigged November 2020 polls.

Ultimately, Biden warned that the MAGA movement is determined to "take America backwards, promote authoritarian leaders and fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to personal rights, pursuit of justice, rule of law and the very soul of the country."

But Leah pointed out that the Democrats are the real threat to democracy as evidenced by their refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election. She also said that their violent actions during Trump's inauguration only attest to them being more of a threat than the MAGA Republicans will ever be.

Meanwhile, Michelle remarked that protests by the MAGA movement are usually peaceful compared to the violent protests from the Left. She also noted that the Jan. 6 protest, which ended in the Capitol riot, had been infiltrated by Democratic-leaning agents.

Michelle ultimately remarked that the Democrats see MAGA Republicans as a violent threat, but in a spiritual way. The Democrats' fears will only ramp up, she said, as the November midterm election nears and Biden divides the American nation even further.

Watch the Sept. 2 episode of "Headline News: The Resistance Chicks" below. You can catch "Headline News: The Resistance Chicks" every Friday at 6-7 p.m. and every Sunday at 5-6 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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