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Group of vegans cement themselves in front of Starbucks… the reason they did it is hilarious
By News Editors // Aug 29, 2022

Outside of a Nashville Starbucks, a group of vegan protestors cemented themselves inside blocks of concrete in protest of the surcharge placed on non-dairy milk.


(Article by Amber Crawford republished from 100PercentFedUp.com)

The protestors – standing in cement to symbolize ‘not budging’ from their efforts to end the upcharge on non-dairy milk – waved around signs to “end the vegan upcharge.” The protestors demanded that the company “stop penalizing people who are concerned for cows, the environment, and their own health by charging extra for plant-based milks.”

The movement itself began earlier this summer when protestors superglued their hands to Starbucks counters in Chicago, New York City, and Seattle.

Thursday’s Nashville protest shut down an entire street at West End Avenue and the protestors were ultimately arrested. One protestor was taken to the hospital due to foot pain from the cement.

One of the participants, Daniel Bifano from Michigan, refused to leave his cement block and was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and criminal trespass.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) says it won’t back down from this cause, despite the minute upcharge of 50-90 cents, depending on location and type of plant-based milk.

Beatles icon Sir Paul McCartney has reportedly written letters in support of this campaign to Starbucks executives, saying, “My friends at PETA are campaigning for this. I sincerely hope that for the future of the planet and animal welfare you are able to implement this policy.”

In a statement, Starbucks said that “adding a splash of any alt-milk to Brewed Coffee, Iced Coffee, Cold Brew, and Americano beverages is offered free of charge,” but it charges an additional fee for more than a splash.

Starbucks also said, “We respect our customers’ rights to respectfully voice their opinions so long as it does not disrupt our store operations.”

In today’s woke climate, people are beginning to believe that they must be accommodated for each and every personal belief and lifestyle choice they choose to have. These protestors want to alter their diet in a specific way, then complain when the rest of the world doesn’t change itself to better suit their decisions.

Read more at: 100PercentFedUp.com

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