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Thousands of non-COVID excess deaths in the UK likely caused by COVID-19 vaccines
By Arsenio Toledo // Jul 15, 2022

The latest data from the United Kingdom's Office for National Statistics (ONS) has raised a lot of questions due to the sudden appearance of over 8,750 excess deaths from causes other than the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), with many questioning whether the vaccines caused these deaths.


According to the ONS, the government received reports of 10,357 registered deaths in the week ending on July 1. This represents 1,128 – or 12.2 percent – more deaths above the five-year average. Of these deaths, only 332 were registered with COVID-19 as a contributory cause and 212 were registered with COVID-19 as the underlying cause. The remaining 916 excess deaths were not officially attributed to COVID-19.

This brings the total non-COVID-19 excess deaths in England and Wales in the 10 weeks since the recent coronavirus spike in late April to 8,756 deaths. (Related: European Union FINALLY admits COVID-19 vaccines DESTROY your immune system.)

Experts who have noticed this spike in excess deaths have called for an urgent investigation to figure out what is causing this alarming trend.

The experts have also noted that there is a strong correlation between the rise in deaths and the beginning of the rollout of COVID-19 vaccine doses during the government's spring booster campaign among people over the age of 75 in England. They believe this connection needs to be investigated.

But the British government has yet to signal an intent to conduct investigation or even offer any kind of explanation regarding the high rate of excess deaths. The total number of non-COVID-19 excess deaths in the U.K. is decreasing, meaning that the current wave – likely due to the vaccines – is easing.

ONS data shows over 200,000 deaths allegedly due to COVID-19

The latest data from the ONS shows that more than 200,000 people in the U.K. have allegedly died due to COVID-19 since the pandemic began in early 2020. This monumental mark was reached on June 25, but was only confirmed recently due to the time it takes for deaths to be registered with the statistics office.

The British government is admitting these deaths while at the same time boasting about the fact that the U.K. has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, with 75 percent of the population fully vaccinated and 60 percent boosted.

The registered deaths – totaling 200,247 deaths – were only counted if COVID-19 was mentioned on their death certificates, either as a main cause of death or a contributory factor. This strongly suggests that the British government may be hiding more deaths either due to COVID-19 or due to the effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.

The COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice, a lobbying group, called the breaching of the 200,000 mark "a tragedy" and "damning" evidence of the British government's failure to properly handle the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. Michael Head, senior research fellow for global health at the University of Southampton, said that the "vast majority" of the more than 200,000 deaths were preventable, but they occurred due to policy failures at the national level.

"It's important to remember that, for every death, there will be many more hospitalizations, long COVID and other indirect burdens such as greater impact on other areas of the U.K. health service and socioeconomic consequences such as bereavements and inability to work," said Head. "Recorded COVID-19 deaths are the tip of a very unpleasant and far-reaching iceberg."

Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines at Vaccines.news.

Watch this video of David Icke explaining how the so-called "emerging diseases" are a way to cover up COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths.

This video is from the High Hopes channel on Brighteon.com.

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