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Bill Gates granted legal approval to purchase 2,100 acres of farmland in North Dakota
By Belle Carter // Jul 06, 2022

Business tycoon Bill Gates, currently the largest single United States farmland owner, has just been granted legal approval to purchase 2,100 acres in North Dakota for $13.5 million.


Gates already owns some 270,000 acres of land throughout America, according to last year's edition of the Land Report 100, an annual survey of the nation's largest landowners.

The state's Attorney General (AG) Drew Wrigley had inquired into the land sale and said that if it complies with state law, the matter goes forward. Wrigley's office issued a letter last week confirming that the transaction complied with the archaic farming law.

This purchase raised concerns that the extraordinarily rich landowners do not share North Dakota's values.

"I've gotten a big earful on this clear across the state, it's not even from that neighborhood. Those people are upset, but there are others that are just livid about this," the state's Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring told television network KFYR-TV.

The Microsoft founder's firm, Red River Trust, bought the talked-about land from wealthy northeastern potato growers Campbell Farms.

MailOnline reported on their website: "In a curious move, the Campbell family in February filed a partnership name certificate with the North Dakota secretary of state naming their farming operation the Red River Trust - the same name as Gates' firm. But an attorney for Gates' firm wrote to the attorney general's office that the Campbells registered the name without his knowledge."

The Campbells did not immediately respond to this allegation.

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, who happened to be a former Microsoft executive and allegedly received $100,000 in campaign funds in 2016 from Gates, declined to comment on the controversial farmland deal.

"The governor strongly supports family farms and is open to discussions about cutting red tape that puts North Dakota farmers at a disadvantage compared with neighboring states and ensuring that our ranchers and farmers can succeed and grow their operations, helping rural communities to thrive," his spokesman Mike Nowatzki said.

"So what are they trying to do?" host Martin Brodel asked during his podcast.

"They want to scare people. Because you still got a boatload of people out there that know nothing about what's going on, while they're getting everything done behind the scenes. Look at this hand (pointing to his left hand). And all the work has been done over here (pointing to his right hand). I could be wrong, but I believe that's the goal here."

Land purchases give Gates the power to attack food supply

Brodel seems to mirror the sentiments of analysts that the real agenda behind Gates buying more farmlands in America is to attack the food supply and not share the lands with farmers. Gates does one thing (purchase farmlands) on one hand to divert the public's attention from what the other hand is doing (attacking food supply.)

Analysts are starting to worry due to the current events including the massive cattle deaths, burning down of food processing plants, recipients dying of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines and the U.S. economy beginning to plummet into the deep recesses of collapse.

"Whether they starve Americans to death, kill them with injections and/or inflation, the goal is clear. And as long as the propaganda works on the gullible masses, the cull will continue smoothly and easily for the powers-that-be," an article published on COVID Blog read.

The Organic Consumers Association published on their blog that Gates has apparently set his sights on becoming a global "food czar," attacking organic farming as wasteful and impractical.

Critics ask: "Why is Gates buying farmlands when he is pushing genetic engineering and lab food as the solution to the world food crisis?" (Related: Why is Bill Gates buying up farmland across America?)

The blog also cited the comment made by Communications Director of Health Care Without Harm Stacy Malkan: "If Bill Gates has his way, the food in our future will little resemble what's on our plates today. Gates and his agribusiness industry partners are proposing to transform our food and how it is produced."

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden last year advocated incentivizing farmers who do not farm to "combat climate change."

Even though the U.S. Department of Agriculture doubled the key incentive payments for the program that encourages farmers and ranchers to leave their lands idle, high commodity prices are keeping it more worthwhile for growers to raise crops.

Visit FoodCollapse.com for more news about the coordinated attack on the global food supply.

Watch the full segment of Martin Brodel's video that talks about Bill Gates' impending purchase of 2,100-acre North Dakota farmland.

This video is from the Martin Brodel channel on Brighteon.com.

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