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Matrixxx Grooove with Jeff and Shady: Whistleblower reveals Pfizer’s main goal is to weaponize the immune system to kill itself – Brighteon.TV
By Belle Carter // Jun 30, 2022

Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst who confirmed that the ingredients in the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are poison, revealed Pfizer-BioNTech's mission statement to strengthen the immune system to attack humans.


"Their mission statement is harnessing the immune system's full potential to fight human disease," she read on a slide projected on the screen during her appearance at "Matrixxx Grooove with Jeff and Shady" on Brighteon.TV. "I mean, this is straight out of 'Agent Smith's mouth.' I don't mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but then BioNTech is like 'we're gonna edit people's immune system so it kills themselves.'"

According to Kingston, a study published in the National Library of Medicine indicates that the SARS-COV-2 virus can directly infect and may undergo limited transmission in human populations.

"They're like 'we made a virus, if we can get it into your body, we may be able to do some damage," Kingston said.

That is unlikely, however, because it's actually a weak virus. Even when it produces the spike protein, it is so weak that it dissolves.

"So it's unlikely that you'll ever be able to infect another person, and it's unlikely you're going to die from it. So we need to further adapt it so that it becomes more deadly and more infectious. And we can say that it's an epidemic or pandemic," she said.

Kingston further revealed that people are being injected with different versions of the vaccines: Some have weaponized spike protein in it, and some don't.

"And just so you know, the original batch was a bio-weapon attack," she said, adding that the multiple doses of the vaccine are part of a giant experiment.

Host Shannon "ShadyGrooove" Townsend agreed.

"And so that would explain why we're having such rash differentiations between reactions to the vaccine. I mean, one person is getting this and one person is getting that. There's not going to be any consistency, no matter what you look at. And then it seems like a plethora of confusion is what they're trying to levy against us so that we can't wade through this stuff so that we can't understand it," Townsend said.

According to Kingston, Pfizer is dealing cards on poker with the public. The dealer has the say on the rules, change them or revert to the original, even after the cards have been dealt. Like in gambling, recipients of the vaccine will have no choice but to accept what happens to them.

"They're changing the laws. But allegedly if the laws have applied, the vials of the vaccine with the gray cap and the NDC [National Drug Code] codes that were issued on December 22, 2021, are lethal injections. You may not die immediately, but you will die because they have weaponized synthetically recreated crate venom, cobra venom, HIV glycoprotein 120, and what's called staphylococcal Enterotoxin D, which is a very aggressive gram-positive bacteria," she warned. (Related: Study: mRNA vaccines are more likely to put recipients at risk of serious injury than protect them from COVID-19.)

She further divulged that the vaccine vials with the gray cap were the original ones that were Food and Drug Administration-approved for 16 years and older. The purple cap vials for 12 years old and up were the ones allowed via the emergency use approval (EUA).

Elsewhere in the show, they played a video interview with a soldier saying that EUA may be issued when there is not enough availability of an FDA-approved product to the majority of the populace. The military man added: "Legally, when a commodity becomes available to a large number of the population, if it did, then all these other EUA products have to be taken off the market."

Synthetically manufactured coronavirus could be sprayed to transmit COVID

Kingston also disclosed that non-profit scientific research group EcoHealth Alliance pitched to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency back in 2016 that the lipid nanoparticle technology invented by Acuitas Therapeutics could not be injected synthetically recruited virus into bats.

"We'll have to give them something to eat, something that they put on their skin, or we'll have to spray them down with something," she said referring to the inventors' line of thought during that time.

Acuitas is also owned by Geneva and Pharmaceuticals, which is in a contract with Pfizer for these injections.

Kingston went on and said: "There was not one case of the hospital to hospital transmission to a patient in the hospital or a healthcare worker in Wuhan at ground zero. But the patients were put into a ward and then induced into a coma. And then they were put on a ventilator and executed and they were not allowed to see their loved ones."

Find more stories about Big Pharma corruption and deceit at BigPharmaNews.com.

Watch the full June 28 episode of "Matrixxx Grooove with Jeff and Shady" featuring Karen Kingston below. Catch new episodes of the program Monday to Friday at 12-12:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

More related stories:

Doug Billings asks: Are mRNA lipid nanoparticle vaccines truly safe? – Brighteon.TV.

Pfizer CEO says yearly COVID vaccines for Americans "almost certain."

Pathologist Dr. Clare Craig: Pfizer vaccine clinical trial for kids "should be null and void."

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