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TRANS PRIVILEGE: Biological man beats 13-year-old girl to win women’s skateboarding competition
By Belle Carter // Jun 29, 2022

A 29-year-old transwoman beat a 13-year-old girl to rule a women's skateboarding competition in New York.


Ricci Tres, who was born male but who now identifies as a woman, dominated the Boardr Open, a street skateboarding contest open to all participants at all skill levels. The competition has two categories: male and female.

The winner took home a prize amounting to $500 while the teenager Shiloh Catori came in second and got $250. Catori won the event last year.

There were six contestants this year, four of them were not over 17 years old, including fifth placer Juri Iikura, who is only 10 years old.

Last year, Sports Illustrated reported on efforts to popularize skateboarding among women and said that "men's best tricks tend to be more powerful than women's" in last year's Tokyo Olympics. The magazine explained that men and women are scored using exactly the same criteria, with no weighting to address the natural disadvantage women face.

In 2016, The Boardr sponsor Red Bull wrote in a blog suggesting that athletes who go through male puberty may have physical advantages because of muscle growth.

The Red Bull blog said: 'The core of a skateboarder plays a very crucial role. The group of muscles in the abdominal region, the obliques and part of the back play a pivotal role in skateboarding performance.

Furthermore, a skating blog published in the same year stated that bigger muscles make for a better skateboarder.

Tres' win annoyed Taylor Silverman, a skateboarder from Kalamazoo, Michigan. She described the winner as "male" despite Tres identifying herself as a transwoman.

In an Instagram post on May 17, Silverman expressed her dismay and complained about how she'd lost a skateboarding contest to a transwoman. She was upset that her rival took away a total of $5,000 of the prize money that was meant for female athletes.

She said: "I reached out to Red Bull [organizer] and was ignored. I am sick of being bullied into silence."

Red Bull also sponsored the competition where Tres won and has backed her as the victor amid claims of unfairness.

Poll: Americans say no to athletes joining sports events based on gender identity

The majority of the Americans seem to share Silverman's stand.

A Washington Post poll revealed that the U.S. public disagrees with transgender athletes joining women's sports events.

Nearly 70 percent of the respondents said that transgender girls would have a competitive advantage at all contest levels. Fifty-eight percent stated that transgender female athletes should be banned from professional competitions. The same number agreed for college sports, and 55 percent and 49 percent of respondents supported a ban on transgender females in high school and youth sports, respectively.

The survey, which reached out to more than 1,500 people nationwide in May, was conducted in cooperation with the University of Maryland's Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement and the Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism.

Just recently, the International Rugby League disallowed male-to-female transgender rugby players from competing in women's events. Likewise, the International Swimming Federation announced that it would restrict transgender athletes from competing in female categories. (Related: Game over: International Rugby League BANS MTF trans athletes from women's events.)

The federation made a decision following the multiple victories of transgender swimmer Lia Thomas. Thomas had swum competitively for the men’s team for three years before switching to the women's team.

Over the past couple of years, 18 states have already legalized limiting or banning transgender athletes from female interscholastic sports.

Visit Gender.news for more articles related to the biological advantages of transgender athletes over women.

Watch the below video where Lia Thomas' teammate describes pressure campaign silencing swimmers.

This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com.

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