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Brighteon.tv is now available en español!
By Ethan Huff // Jun 29, 2022

We are excited to announce that Brighteon.tv is now available in Spanish with an impressive lineup of original programming Monday through Friday every single week.


Television and web journalist Fior Hernandez can be found there, along with many others who will help Spanish-speaking truth-seekers stay up to date on the latest news, as well as learn how they can help support the fight for freedom and liberty.

Recognizing that a growing segment of the American population now speaks Spanish, oftentimes exclusively, the Brighteon team wants to make sure that the same quality content available to English speakers is also available to those who do not speak English, or who will better understand the content in their native language as opposed to having to translate it in their minds in real time.

One movement that we are excited to have join the new network is Latinos for America First (El Movimiento de la Gente), which has a stated mission of helping to advocate for conservative policies and elect "America First" candidates all across America.

Many Latinos, it turns out, have no interest whatsoever in aligning with left-wing politics, despite the corporate-controlled media claim that only "white men" support conservative ideals.

It turns out that millions of Hispanics in this country are red-blooded patriots who do not want to live under the heavy boot of government tyranny any more than the rest of us. Supporting them in this endeavor is what Brighteon.tv en español is all about.

Having seen the horrors of life back home, many Latinos who immigrated to the United States in search of greener pastures love God, support religious liberty, embrace the right to bear arms, value free speech, and yes: even support strong border security because they recognize that illegal immigration hurts everyone and eventually destroys the country entirely.

Do you know someone who speaks Spanish? Tell them to check out Brighteon.tv en español!

What Brighteon.tv en español exists to do is equip conservative Hispanics with the tools they need to join the fight for medical and health freedom, religious liberty, small government, pro-life causes and so much more. And the hope is that they share these same values and ideals with others in their community in order to expand the ranks.

Texas, as one example, is a state with millions of conservative Hispanics who are watching their state turn "purple," meaning the blue wave of Leftism is rotting out many of the Lone Star State's larger cities.

Many of these Hispanic Texans support the very same things we do, but some of them do not speak English and thus are not able to access the same abundance of resources that English-speaking conservative Hispanics can. Brighteon.tv en español is for them!

By providing quality content all throughout the week in Spanish, Brighteon.tv en español will help Spanish speakers all across the land, including in Texas, to feel equipped and empowered in the fight against the encroaching tyranny that seeks to destroy all of us who want to live free from government oppression.

Keep an eye on the Brighteon.tv en español website as it will continue to grow and expand as more names come on board to provide their insights and expertise to the Spanish-speaking community.

Right now, there are full news updates being given regularly throughout the day in Spanish, as well as other informative content similar to what Brighteon.tv in English already has to offer. The goal is to provide the same quality content on both sites every day throughout the week so everyone, no matter which language they speak or prefer, is on the same page.

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