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Twitter swamp: Site’s $17 million immigrant censor who banned Trump & hid Biden scandal donated 18K to Democrats
By News Editors // Jun 19, 2022

Called “the most powerful social media executive you’ve never heard of” by Politico, she banned a president and then helped elect a new one. She also, while supposedly serving as an “unbiased” censor, donated thousands of dollars to Democrats. In this she certainly was no anomaly at her workplace, Twitter, where 98.7 percent of recent employee political donations have gone to Democrats. But here’s what does separate India-born attorney Vijaya Gadde from her fellows:


(Article by Selwyn Duke republished from TheNewAmerican.com)

The dual citizen makes $17 million dollars a year — censoring the citizens of her adopted country and manipulating their politics. Welcome to the Big Tech oligarchy, globalist style.

The Daily Mail reports on how the shadowy Gadde — whose birth date is apparently unknown — is becoming a little less shadowy:

Twitter’s top lawyer Vijaya Gadde is in the spotlight after Elon Musk criticized her in a string of scathing tweets, leading a former company executive to accuse the billionaire of ‘bullying’ and spearheading a harassment campaign.

Gadde, 47, has been a low-key Silicon Valley power player for years, and at Twitter played a key role in the contentious decisions to ban Donald Trump and suppress news articles about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

After moving to the US from India with her family as a toddler, Gadde and her family faced racism as she grew up in Beaumont, Texas, where she has said her father had to seek approval from the Ku Klux Klan to sell insurance door-to-door.

Now the mother of a young child, Gadde has built a remarkable career, spending a decade at elite Silicon Valley law firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati and working in the legal department at Juniper Networks before joining Twitter in 2011.

Federal records show that she has also donated regularly to Democratic candidates, contributing more than $18,000 over the past two decades, and most recently supporting Kamala Harris with a $2,700 check in 2019.

Note that Gadde has the requisite “victim” story — the KKK anecdote — which today is a résumé enhancer. Yet some may find it dubious. While we don’t know her birth date, Gadde was born in 1974, was brought to the United States three years later, and then to Beaumont some time afterwards. This means circa 1980.

By that time the Klan’s membership, more than four-million strong during the organization’s 1920s heyday, had shrunk to approximately 10,000 nationwide. It was already a mocked fringe group with no institutional power in an America that, by 1980, had become quite politically correct. So while Gadde’s claim that her father required the local KKK leader’s permission to sell insurance could be true, it does seem a bit fanciful.

What is fact, however, is that Gadde has for years wielded power of which the Klan could only dream. As Fortune pointed out in 2020, she was the censorial power behind the Twitter throne even when Jack Dorsey was king and “has helped shape Twitter for most of the past decade.” As the magazine also wrote:

A quick scan of Chief Executive Officer Jack Dorsey’s mentions show just how often he’s called upon to lay down the law for the service he helped create. But what users don’t know is that they’re imploring the wrong Twitter Inc. executive. While Dorsey is the company’s public face, and the final word on all things product and strategy, the taxing job of creating and enforcing Twitter’s rules don’t actually land on the CEO’s shoulders. Instead, that falls to Twitter’s top lawyer, Vijaya Gadde.

…“He rarely weighs in on an individual enforcement decision,” Gadde said in a recent interview. “I can’t even think of a time. I usually go to him and say, ‘this is what’s going to happen.’”

That leaves Gadde, 45, as the end of the line when it comes to account enforcement.

This means that she could be the reason why I’ve been under Twitter suspension — in limbo — for more than a year now. But what’s truly troubling is that my experience merely reflects what has befallen countless thousands of other conservative/traditionalist individuals and entities, great and small

As commentator Monica Showalter wrote of the influence of Gadde, whom she called a “smug censor,” the lawyer wasn’t “just concerned about ‘violations of terms of service’ from those accounts she banned and suppressed.” Showalter explained:

The shutdown of the New York Post after its Hunter Biden revelations coming two weeks before the 2020 election, and then mysterious reinstatement of the paper’s account right after the election was done and over with was obviously a political act. Her shutdown of the president of the United States’s account, while allowing the Taliban, Vlad Putin, China’s sleazy oligarchs, antifa, and the Iranian mullahs, all spewing hate and threats to operate freely, was clearly another naked political act.

Both of these acts, plus innumerable shutdowns of smaller conservative accounts with large followings, was clearly an in-kind political donation to Democrats of enormous monetary value, and did affect the 2020 election outcome. Numerous polls showed that large numbers of voters were unaware of the Hunter Biden corruption evidence as reported by the New York Post, and would have changed their votes had they known.

In other words, Gadde’s actions — along with those of the other Big Tech oligarchs and mainstream media — might have swung the election for declining dotard Joe Biden.

This claim should surprise no engaged person; in fact, Gadde’s manipulation is just the tip of the iceberg. As Dr. Robert Epstein, a liberal and the senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, has warned, Big Tech now has the capacity to shift up to 15 million votes in an election. Given that no presidential candidate has won by more than 9.5 million votes over the last eight elections and 32 years, this means that GoogTwitFace can pick our leaders.

As Epstein put it in 2020, “In President Eisenhower’s famous 1961 farewell address, he warned not only about the rise of a military-industrial complex; he also warned about the rise of a ‘technological elite’ who could someday control our country without us knowing.”

“That day has come,” he lamented.

And Gadde is part of that technological elite’s (now slightly less) hidden face.

Read more at: TheNewAmerican.com

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