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Pro-abortion Jane’s Revenge firebombs Buffalo pregnancy center in targeted attack
By News Editors // Jun 09, 2022

Pro-life pregnancy center CompassCare was firebombed early this morning in the latest attack by pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge.


(Article by Clare Marie Merkowsky republished from LifeSiteNews.com)

Pro-abortionists smashed windows in the reception room and nurses’ office and threw firebombs inside, CompassCare reported.

“This is the pro-abortion ‘Kristallnacht,’” CompassCare’s CEO Jim Harden said, referring to the wave of violence and destruction meted out by the Nazis and their supporters against the Jews in Germany and occupied territories in November 1938.

Jane’s Revenge, a violent pro-abortion group, has been attacking numerous pro-life organizations in what they call a “Night of Rage.”

“Because of this act of violence, the needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies will go unmet and babies will die,” Harden said.

“I wonder if Gov. (Kathy) Hochul will veto the Pregnancy Center Investigation Bill? I wonder if Attorney General Letitia James will investigate these cowardly criminals?”

Despite the recent violence against pro-lifers, Hochul pledged?$35 million of taxpayer funds to increase security at abortion clinics.?Additionally, New York passed legislation?investigating pro-life pregnancy centers for not performing abortions.

CompassCare is a pro-life center that offers help to pregnant women, including ultrasounds that show women their unborn children. The organization also helps women to carry their babies to term.

“CompassCare will rebuild because women deserve better,” Harden promised. “CompassCare will not stop serving because pre-born boys and girls deserve protection.”

In response to the recent pro-abortion violence and threats to the center, CompassCare alerted local police and FBI and contacted security professionals to develop a safety plan.

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