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A US Army recon plane landed in Uvalde just before the shooting and left just before the shooter was killed
By News Editors // May 31, 2022

This is kind of weird… The aircraft was in Uvalde for the first time this year during the shooting. The plane landed 3 minutes before the shooter crashed his vehicle. The plane then left 2 minutes before the shooter was killed.


(Article republished from StrangeSounds.org)

Why was this aircraft in Uvalde for the first time in 2022 at the exact moment that one of the deadliest US shootings was unfolding?

Again, the plane landed 3 minutes before the shooter crashed his vehicle. The plane then left 2 minutes before the shooter was killed.

The plane left Ft. Hood and it went straight to Uvalde. Then straight back. So I doubt it just landed to refuel.

My speculation: It’s a recon plane, so my assumption is someone was monitoring the shooting and making sure it was going to plan….

Or was this just a coincidence? Was it just a flight for the pilots to meet their flight hours numbers in order to keep their licenses? Maybe… But… It’s too obvious… Worth investigation for sure…

Read more at: StrangeSounds.org

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