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Former NIH head Francis Collins green-lighted sex-change testing on young children
By Ethan Huff // Mar 10, 2022

Francis Collins, the former head of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), is once again in the news, this time for supporting research on aborted babies and sex change "therapy" in young children.


An alleged devout Christian, Collins gave the green light to research at the University of Pittsburgh involving aborted baby body parts, which were chopped up and had their scalps grafted onto the bodies of rats and mice.

Collins gave American tax money to Pitt to conduct this heinous research, which is part of the deep state's transhumanist agenda. The results of these experiments were published in the Nature journal back in September 2020, along with "photos showing patches of soft, wispy baby hair growing amid coarse rodent fur."

In an interview with PBS, Collins revealed that "hundreds of thousands" of baby embryos are currently stored away at in vitro fertilization clinics, which apparently makes this kind of research acceptable.

"It is absolutely unrealistic to imagine that anything will happen to those other than they're eventually getting discarded," Collins said casually.

"So as much as I think human embryos deserve moral status, it is hard to see why it's more ethical to throw them away than to take some that are destined for discarding and do something that might help somebody."

Try as he might to make them sound like cell clumps, those embryos are living human beings, albeit ones that were created in a petri dish by mad scientists funded by the likes of Collins.

Francis Collins is a prominent evangelical Christian revered by the religious

Collins also awarded $5.7 million to Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, head of the "gender clinic" at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles.

That money was used to conduct experiments on young children and toddlers. They were given puberty blockers, sex-change surgeries, and other LGBTQ "therapies" to see what would happen.

"The NIH funded Olson-Kennedy's research at several clinics," writes Jonathon Van Maren for LifeSiteNews.

"This research included exploring sex changes for children as young as Grade 3 and lowering the age at which girls could receive testosterone from 13 years old to eight years old. This is radical medical experimentation on children that includes 'treatments' causing irreversible damage – all with money approved by one of America's most prominent evangelicals."

The Daily Wire's Megan Basham pointed out that Collins knew full well what was going on at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. The details of what was taking place were fully known by him, in other words.

Meanwhile, Collins continues to bill himself as an evangelical Christian. In 2006, he wrote a book called The Language of God – which begs the question, which god?

Russell Moore, a public theologian at Christianity Today, highly reveres Collins for being an alleged exemplary public Christian, while others have called him a "faithful presence" who represents what it means to be an evangelical.

"The records and receipts of Collins' time heading up the NIH tell a very different story," Van Maren explains. (Related: Collins also committed treason).

"Two of the great American tragedies of the last several decades – the destruction of and experimentation on human embryos and the devastating transgender experiment on children – bear his signature. History will not judge him, or those who supported him, kindly."

In the comments at LifeSiteNews, someone wrote that the ghoulishness of modern American culture and the people who shape it "mere words cannot convey."

"Hitler would have been proud of a performance like this," wrote another. "One day, these terrible actions will be judged by Almighty God. Heaven help us all."

"Talk is cheap, but you know them by their fruit," wrote another. "May the righteous Judge deal with him, and have mercy on those he has led astray."

More related news can be found at Evil.news.

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