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Jan. 6 Capitol incident: Security footage suggests strong possibility of an inside job
By Nolan Barton // Feb 17, 2022

Recently released security footage from inside the Capitol building during the January 6, 2021 incident suggests strong possibility of an inside job. Harrison Smith presented the video on his InfoWars program, "The American Journal."


The video shows a man identified as George Tenney trying unsuccessfully to open the door from the inside. "The security system at the Capitol has actually been updated since 1885," quipped Smith as he described what’s happening in the video.

Tenney looked up and pointed to the door, the video shows. "Looks like he's saying something but you can't really tell what exactly," Smith said.

A man only identified as #GreenSidesPack also appeared on the video and looked up in the same direction as Tenney. Smith noted that #GreenSidesPack has not been arrested and is not on the wanted list of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). "But there he is inside the Capitol before the doors are open," Smith said.

Tenney apparently instructed somebody to disable the magnetic unlock. Magically, the doors opened and the protesters came flooding in.

"Unless you can find another explanation, to me this is incontrovertible proof that there was some sort of collusion between the people in the Capitol building's security office and the people on the ground," said Smith.

"Magnetic strips are what control the doors of the Capitol. It's locked by a central command post with magnetic locks at the top of the doors. And so, whoever unlocked the doors had to have done it on purpose with cooperation of somebody within the control center of the Capitol itself."

The video also shows some men already dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol before the doors were opened. Smith said "they're working in concert with the security there."

The mainstream media painted a different picture of the January 6 event, telling people that "Trump supporters broke windows at the Capitol, climbed through those windows and then, once they were inside, unlocked the doors for everybody else to come streaming in," said Smith. (Related: Same media now vilifying Trump supporters for Capitol incident EXCUSED actual domestic terrorism of left-wing BLM rioters.)

"But there was a little bit of a problem in this story of January 6, and we've pointed this out on this program multiple times. It's the locking mechanisms for the Capitol doors."

The video, Smith said, is the real smoking gun. "This is the film that shows that the doors were purposefully opened, their magnetic strips deactivated from somewhere within the Capitol. And now we have video evidence to prove it."

Trump links FBI to Capitol incident

Former President Donald Trump knew long before the security footage surfaced that the Capitol incident was staged.

"Exactly how many of those present at the Capitol complex on January 6 were FBI confidential informants, agents or otherwise, working directly or indirectly with an agency of the United States government? People want to hear this," Trump said at a rally in Arizona last month. (Related: Man charged with plotting and participating in Capitol incident was former FBI section chief with top-secret security clearance.)

Trump was alluding to the case of Ray Epps, a business owner from Arizona, who was at the Capitol on January 6.

Epps was first identified days after the riot when videos emerged on social media showing him at a police barricade when it was first breached. He was seen whispering something to Ryan Samsel, who later charged through a barricade with several others. Samsel has been charged as one of the first to breach secured Capitol grounds.

Photos showing Epps outside the Capitol on January 6 were also prominently posted on an FBI website seeking the public's help in identifying people who may have entered the Capitol on that day. Those images were removed several months later, and Epps was not among the more than 700 people facing criminal charges related to the January 6 incident.

Many believe that Epps is part of a secret government plot to stage the January 6 riot at the Capitol and blame it on Trump supporters. "Epps was certainly a confidential source and helped plan all of that along with John Sullivan and many others, and nothing will come of that. This is just more of a show or a political theater," said Jeffrey Prather during one of the recent episodes of "Prather Point" on Brighteon.TV.

Sullivan was a participant in the Capitol incident. He captured the events on video while posing as a journalist.

John Blischak, Epps' attorney, told the media that his client was "merely present" that day. "He did not have any agenda to go into the Capitol or cause any violence whatsoever," he said.

Interestingly, Prather said Blischak is an ex-Maricopa FBI agent. Prather, a former intelligence officer, accused Blischak of being an "informal handler" of Epps.

The special House committee investigating the Capitol incident readily dismissed that idea without looking at any evidence, circumstantial or otherwise. It tweeted: "Epps informed us that he was not employed by, working with, or acting at the direction of any law enforcement agency on Jan 5th or 6th or at any other time, and that he has never been an informant for the FBI or any other law enforcement agency."

More related stories:

Jeffrey Prather reveals Deep State’s role in Jan. 6 Capitol Hill incident – Brighteon.TV.

CNN wants Fox, Newsmax de-platformed for somehow being "complicit" in Capitol false flag incident.

Hidden cam: MI majority leader says Capitol riot a "hoax" because McConnell, GOP "wanted to have a mess."

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Watch the video below showing a recently released security footage from inside the Capitol building on January 6, 2021.

This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com.

Follow FBICorruption.news for more stories about the shady operations of the FBI.

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Brighteon.com 1



Brighteon.com 2

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