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Woketard crybullies invade HISTORY as “Crusader Kings” game developer forced to inject homosexual marriage into 15th century simulation
By Ethan Huff // Jan 29, 2022

The next free update of "Crusader Kings 3," a video game from Paradox Development Studio, will reportedly include a same-sex marriage option to satisfy the "woke" mob and its demand for more "inclusion."


Even though the game is set in the Middle Ages when there was no such thing as homosexual marriage, Paradox caved to the cult of perversion, which will presumably request a "trans" option for the next update (or maybe an incest option?).

According to reports, Crusader Kings 3 is intended to be a historical simulation of the 15th century. It is supposed to be at least somewhat accurate and true to history.

The new LGBTQ update, however, will render the game little more than delusional fantasy that caters to the debased mindset of modern-day gamers, many of whom have been brainwashed into demanding "equality" in everything – even if this means rewriting history.

The "historical accuracy" of the game actually got Paradox in a bit of trouble with the LGBTQ community, which takes offense to the fact that past civilizations did not accept or even acknowledge things like "gender spectrums" and "gender identities."

The cult won't stop until everything is gay

One particular element of the game in its current form generated considerable backlash from LGBTQs because they interpret it as "homophobic," even though it is historically accurate.

It involves an error message that reads:

"Error: make_concubine effect [Illegal concubinage: is the same gender as their concubinist, so they can't become a concubine]."

The game's developer reportedly responded to the backlash by stating:

"In no way was this implemented in order to deliberately bar players from including same-sex relationships in the game."

Only with third-party mods can players of Crusader Kings 3 make same-sex relationships accepted by all faiths within the game. The upcoming 1.5 update, however, will include this option without the need for any additional modifications.

With the new update, players will also be able to add a custom rule allowing gay marriages to occur before the start of the game.

"The CK3 team and Paradox as a whole are very conscious of representation in our games, and same-sex lovers have been included in C3K since launch," Paradox said in an announcement.

"But we know this is not the same thing as a formal relationship. This is something we support, since allowing everyone to tell their story is a big part of our values."

According to one commenter at RT, CK3 already has all sorts of bizarre elements such as marriage between close siblings and satanism. However, these things did occur back then, unlike gay marriage.

"Anyone attempting a 'homosexual marriage' in those times would have gotten a sword in the gut," wrote someone else about medieval times.

"So in a game simulating our medieval era, where bloodlines were greatly valued, and rulers needed heirs to expand and grow their empires, and strength was often achieved through heterosexual marriage (this was done so that two families could conceive a child therefore fortifying a bond between families and many times entire countries), a handful of people are so upset that they cannot promote the queer agenda," wrote another.

"Biology proves a simple fact that ONLY male and female can create a true life, and despite what science tries to achieve through cloning or any other means, life is still a miracle and REQUIRES biological components of a MALE and a FEMALE. It is a shame that so many companies cave to this type of pressure. Unfortunately practices like this will ensure ESG (environmental, social and governance) banking will get a strong foothold in how future business is done."

More related news can be found at Gender.news.

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