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While Americans were told to hide under their beds, Dr. Fauci and his NIH employed wife raked in $1.7 MILLION… their total net worth will blow your mind!
By News Editors // Jan 19, 2022

Americans have been locked down, shamed, humiliated, and made to feel like serfs for refusing to follow the orders given by government overlords based on the advice of unelected government bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci, whose been calling the shots for over two years now.


(Article by Patty McMurray republished from 100PercentFedUp.com)

Last week, during a hearing with the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, tensions boiled over between Senator Republican Senator Roger Marshall (KS) and the man who’s been anointed the ultimate authority on all things COVID, Dr. Fauci.

The former military officer, and physician, Republican Senator Roger Marshall (KS), placed Dr. Fauci on the hot seat over the release of James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas report on the alleged ties between Dr. Fauci, DARPA, and the dangerous gain of function research many experts believe was responsible for the current CCP pandemic.

“Will you commit today to release all records—fully un-redacted—by the end of this week, so Congress and the American people may know the truth of NIH’s role in the origins of COVID-19?” Senator Marshall (R-KS) asked Dr. Fauci.

“We have never seen that grant, and we have never funded that grant,” Dr. Fauci responded.

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When Dr. Fauci was asked by Senator Robert Marshall (who is also an MD) if he would commit to releasing all documents related to the gain of function research, Dr. Fauci diverted by arguing about the definition. Ultimately, Dr. Fauci would not agree to release all unredacted documents that could exonerate him from what Dr. Fauci argues is a false claim.

A heated exchange between Dr. Fauci and Dr. Marshall ensued over the US Senator’s request to make Dr. Fauci’s investments public.


After Senator Marshall was told his time was up, Dr. Fauci was caught on a hot mic disparaging him and using the Lord’s name in vain: “What a moron…J***s Ch**st!”


Undeterred by Dr. Fauci’s snarky and unbecoming behavior, Senator Marshall has doubled down on the arrogant overlord and introduced the FAUCI (Financial Accountability for Uniquely Compensated Individuals) Act to hold Fauci and other high-paid government officials accountable.

Dr. Fauci was fact-checked the following day by Forbes’ Adam Andrzejewski, CEO/Founder of OpenTheBooks.com,

Despite Fauci’s claims that these records are “readily available,” Openthebooks.com sued NIH in court over its refusal to release the relevant documents in a timely manner. There are about 1,200 pages containing related information the NIH has yet to release, which may reveal if Dr. Fauci leveraged his early knowledge of COVID to guide his financial trading.

Forbes is now reporting that in 2020, while Americans were told to stay under their beds and don’t come out until the government tells you it’s safe, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s household raked in an astounding $1,776,479.

According to Fauci’s financial disclosures obtained by Open The Books, the federal government paid Fauci and his wife, Christine Grady. She also works at the National Institutes of Health, $868,812 in combined income and benefits in 2020. In addition to their federal salaries, the Fauci household also received royalties and stipends totaling at least $113,298, while their investment accounts increased by $794,369.

The financial disclosures contain a wealth of previously unknown information. For example, the Fauci household’s net worth exceeds $10.4 million.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, says Dr. Fauci is playing shell games with his financial records.

D0 Americans see the truth about the CCP pandemic and how it’s mostly harmed the middle and lower-class Americans while unelected government officials and pharmaceutical companies got richer? Are Americans aware that mom-and-pop shops, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and entertainment venues across America are gone forever, while billionaires like Jeff Bezos took advantage of the pandemic and simply took a bigger piece of the pie?

Read more at: 100PercentFedUp.com

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