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NIH Director Francis Collins conspired with Fauci in a propaganda effort to “take down” scientists who discussed the harms of lockdowns
By Lance D Johnson // Dec 21, 2021

Francis Collins, the retiring director of the National Institutes of Health, has worked tirelessly to promote tyrannical lockdowns, genetic experiments and the ongoing deprivation of human rights. During the covid-19 scandal, Collins also fought hard to quash dissent. In fact, when scientists convened at the American Institute for Economic Research to discuss the harms of covid-19 lockdowns, Francis Collins labeled them all “fringe epidemiologists” and dismissed any discussion on focused protection for the elderly.


In an October 2020 email exchange with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Collins wrote that the Great Barrington Declaration was getting “a lot of attention.” Collins informed his colleagues - Lawrence Tabak, Cliff Lane and Anthony Fauci - that “there needs to be a quick and devastating takedown of its premises.” Francis Collins, Anthony Fauci and their colleagues used their bully pulpit to conduct ad hominem attacks against any scientist who discussed rational approaches and anti-viral treatments to mitigate infectious disease and prevent death.

Collins and Fauci used propaganda to "take down" scientists who opposed lockdowns

The Great Barrington Declaration sought a less destructive path for society, one that protected the rights of individuals, while seeking “focused protections” for the elderly. The approach sought to protect the most vulnerable, while accepting the inevitability of infection in the population, which would benefit herd immunity. The scientists behind the Declaration sought to uphold their Hippocratic Oath, by first, doing no harm. But the federal government’s infectious disease experts at the NIH did not listen to these scientists, nor did they engage in open dialogue. Dr. Francis Collins and his colleagues resorted to propaganda and ad hominem attacks to quash any debate and to enshrine their lock down strategies as the holy doctrine of science that must be followed and worshiped.

Just days after warning his colleagues about the Great Barrington Declaration, Dr. Collins went on corporate media channels to shut down any dissent of the lockdowns. In the Washington Post, Collins targeted Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, Sunetra Gupta of Oxford and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford. “What I worry about with this [Great Barrington Declaration] is it’s being presented as if it’s a major alternative view that’s held by large numbers of experts in the scientific community. That is not true,’ Collins said.

‘This is a fringe component of epidemiology. This is not mainstream science. It’s dangerous. It fits into the political views of certain parts of our confused political establishment. I’m sure it will be an idea that someone can wrap themselves in as a justification for skipping wearing masks or social distancing and just doing whatever they damn well please.”

Dr. Martin Kulldorff is a professor of medicine at Harvard University and a bio-statistician/epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations. Dr. Sunetra Gupta is a professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is professor at Stanford University Medical School and a physician, epidemiologist, health economist and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.

To date, over eight hundred thirty thousand people have signed the Great Barrington Declaration, including tens of thousands of doctors and scientists.

Fauci helps Collins by using the corporate media and Big Tech to silence debate

In the email exchange, Collins was worried that the scientists were “getting a lot of attention” after receiving a “co-signature from a Nobel Prize Winner, Mike Leavitt at Stanford.” Collins asked his colleagues if they had seen “anything like that online yet” or if “it is underway.” He instructed that there “needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of it premises.”

Anthony Fauci responded to Collins with a fact-checking piece by Wired which “debunks” the Great Barrington Declaration. The Washington Post was also used to promote NIH propaganda against the Great Barrington Declaration. “Critics of Focused Protection say the idea is impractical, unethical and potentially deadly,” the Washington Post promulgated. Consequentially, Big Tech took down any discussion on the harms of lock downs and deleted groups that protested the lock downs. Emails also show that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg offered Fauci "data reports" to control the narrative online. Any information about the durability is ignored by the NIH and "debunked" by Big Tech.

Government authoritarianism was fueled by ignorance at the NIH - ignorance that was not open to new ideas, ignorance that would not relinquish its pride. Dr. Collins and Dr. Fauci were never open to any scientific evidence that went against their agenda. They were only concerned with controlling the narrative and telling people what to do, even if it harmed people and caused further societal issues. Collins, Fauci and their co-conspirators must be held accountable. Their conspiracy to quash scientific evidence, silence debate, deprive people of their rights, withhold effectiveness treatments and force lock downs and dangerous genetic experiments are all crimes against humanity!

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