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Pfizer, Moderna stock pump and dumps surge after FDA authorizes “booster” shots
By Ethan Huff // Nov 29, 2021

After the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave both Moderna and Pfizer "emergency use authorization" (EUA) to start administering "booster" shots of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) to people 18 years of age and older, both companies' stocks immediately soared.


This Wall Street pump and dump scheme involves systematically expanding the eligible pool of jab recipients incrementally over time. As each new notch gets hit, the stocks jump, generating more ill-gotten profits for investors.

Now, people who are "fully vaccinated" will become eligible for a third (and eventually a fourth and fifth) dose of the same injection after six months has passed since the completion of what they are calling the "primary series" of shots.

None of this is about health, of course. It is being done for two reasons: to degrade people's immunity while generating more quick cash for the elite. In other words, the plandemic is about deception, greed and mass genocide.

Whether or not people agree to actually take these boosters is almost moot, at least on the financial side of things. The stocks jumped and that is all that matters to the greedy who live to profit on other people's suffering.

Chances are the Biden regime will try to mandate these boosters just as it has done for the first round of injections. After all, they still have to fulfill their depopulation agenda on top of clawing all those profits.

The fully vaccinated will need boosters for the rest of their shortened lives

Even so, the first adults to have received their second dose of Chinese Virus injection are right about at the six-month mark. These people are being encouraged to get their boosters at "warp speed" to help "flatten the curve."

Moderna got the green light first, and Pfizer-BioNTech is next in line. The FDA says that the "scientific evidence" suggests that getting a third jab of either of these might help to lessen symptoms in the event that a fully vaccinated person tests "positive" for the Fauci Flu.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also had to give its blessing for the booster program, which it did wholeheartedly.

"Booster shots of mRNA vaccines – also called 'gene therapy' by those who then see their Twitter accounts be banned in perpetuity – have been available to people 65 and over, as well as others who could be at higher risk of severe disease, since mid-September," reported Zero Hedge.

"Under federal guidelines, recipients can receive any of the three authorized shots as a booster, regardless of the brand of their initial vaccine."

As of last Thursday, roughly one-third of eligible fully vaccinated seniors had received a booster. A piddly 17 percent of fully vaccinated younger adults have done the same.

With winter quickly coming our way, the expectation is that those who took the first two injections and now have damaged immunity will be getting sick and dying in droves. In order to barely scrape by and survive for another few months, they will have to get a booster.

When several months after that have passed, these same people will have to get another injection, followed by another and another unless they want to die early.

"Data presented to U.S. drug regulators by Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson suggested all three of the currently authorized vaccines in the U.S. have seen their efficacy diminish," Zero Hedge further reported.

"How brainwashed do you have to be to stand in line and take a 3rd shot when they told you that the 1st and 2nd shots would work and they didn't?" asked one commenter about this ridiculous charade.

The latest news about Wall Street, Big Pharma and the government can be found at Fascism.news.

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