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STUDY: Nets silent on RADICAL Biden nominee: Praised Soviet Union, wants to destroy oil, gas
By News Editors // Nov 17, 2021

This may be the most radical Biden nominee you’ve never heard of. On Thursday, Saule Omarova is set to face Senate hearings to head Comptroller of the Currency, a branch of the Treasury Department. Who is this woman? She appears enchanted with Soviet Russia, and “wants” to bankrupt industries. And ABC, CBS and NBC haven't said a word about her.


(Article by Scott Whitlock republished from NewsBusters.org)

The Cornell University law professor back in February appeared at a “social wealth seminar” and said this: “What I'm thinking about primarily is primarily the coal industry and the oil and gas industry. A lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order. At least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change, right?"

But that’s only the start. Back in 2019, she praised the old USSR, a regime that murdered tens of millions of people, because they didn’t have a “gender pay gap.”

The Soviet Union may have murdered millions, but at least there was no gender pay gap, right? ABC, CBS and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have allowed zero minutes and zero seconds on this nominee. 

Omarova graduated from Moscow State University in 1991 and, as Senator Pat Toomey noted, wrote her thesis on “Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in The Capital.” The Daily Mail explained the only copy was mysteriously destroyed by the Russian University. According to Fox News, she has received the “Lenin” award while in college. This woman is slated to be the Comptroller of the Currency.

According to USA.gov, “The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks. It also supervises the federal branches and agencies of foreign banks.” It’s not some obscure, unimportant position.

Infatuated with Soviet Russia? Wants to destroy U.S. industries? Doesn’t this sound like someone that American media outlets should investigate? The corrupt journalists at the networks are doing their best to hide this extreme, radical nominee. To paraphrase The Washington Post, democracy dies under a liberal press.

The hearing is on Thursday. Journalists should do their jobs and cover this story.

Here’s coverage from the Fox Business Channel on November 10.

Making Money With Charles Payne

CHARLES PAYNE: The administration’s war on fossil fuels is absolutely relentless. Al Gore suggesting we’ll be completely off Saule Omarova, Biden’s choice for Comptroller of the Currency actually had this to say. Take a listen. 

SAULE OMAROVA (Biden Treasury nominee): And here what I'm thinking about primarily is primarily the coal industry and the oil and gas industry. A lot of smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order. At least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change, right? 

PAYNE: So we're going to tackle climate change and we want American businesses to go bankrupt. This is blowing my mind that anyone associated with our government would say something like that.

Read more at: NewsBusters.org

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