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The END of COVID VACCINES? Pfizer miracle pill prevents 9 out of 10 hospitalizations and deaths, according to clinical trial… so why are vaccines necessary, then?
By S.D. Wells // Nov 15, 2021

When all is said and done, most people realize that pharma tycoons are just in it for the money. Maybe this time, the vaccine-induced atrocities that besiege the planet can come to an end, and humane, sensible medicine can be used to prevent and beat back infectious diseases, including Covid.


Pfizer stocks surge as they set to release the new revolutionary Covid pill

Merck came out with a pill called molnupiravir, for Covid, and recently gained approval to release it in the UK, so now, their biggest rival, Pfizer, is about to do the same, but in the USA. High risk patients can be more at ease now with their worries of Covid. The Pfizer pill outpaces Merck's pill in efficacy, showing 89 percent as opposed to Merck's 50 percent, in preventing or knocking down Covid during a viral attack. Pfizer is submitting their plans for their miracle pill "Paxlovid" to the FDA right now for emergency use authorization (EUA). Experts have already touted the drug's safety profile (like Ivermectin).

They should get the approval, seeing as how the pill is MUCH SAFER than taking clot shots that have already proven to cause hyper-inflammation, rare blood clots, abortions and myocarditis. EUA approvals, once granted, set precedents for distribution all around the world. Money, money, money.

The irony comes though, as these Covid pills function just like Ivermectin, yes, the prescription Joe Rogan and countless others have used to kill pathogens and parasites in the human body, including keeping the Covid virus from replicating in our cells (Google hides the search results about Ivermectin's high success/low risk). Who in their right mind needs to risk taking vaccines ever again?

Vaccines dangerous, pills safe? Back to 'normal' now?

Pfizer executive Annaliesa Anderson is thrilled with the drug's potential to … "have a big impact on helping all our lives go back to normal again and seeing the end of the pandemic.” Pfizer stocks surged. Vaccine fanatics are stunned. The Biden Regime is already in negotiations with Pfizer for up to 3 million courses of the Paxlovid treatment as a litmus test on America, according to senior officials.

Although the treatments are "geared" toward patients at high risk (seniors, obese folks, anyone fighting cancer, diabetes, etc.), we've seen the vaccines being forced on everyone (including children and pregnant women), so a pill with those kinds of amazing results and minimal side effects should be made available worldwide for everyone, literally overnight.

So why vaccinate? All vaccine mandates should end with this pill's general approval, even an emergency authorized use approval. That was good enough for the vaccines. No more vaccine requirements at employers, so everyone back to work. No more choke-you-to-death respirators/ventilators and no more kidney-decimating Remdesivir. No more vaccine passports shoved down our throats, and freedom to travel internationally again should resume.

The Pfizer pills function like Ivermectin, so can the mainstream news and every medical doctor and scientist in America please finally come out and admit THAT? The Pfizer pill, a.k.a. PF-07321332, is a protease inhibitor (oral and bio-available), shown in clinical trials, to have success treating SARS CoV-2 infections. Ivermectin is a protease inhibitor also, but anyone who takes it in America is blasted for taking "horse de-wormer" that's "not FDA approved!" So, you were saying?

This pill will be much safer than any vaccine. The molecule is small and simple. The Covid pill by Pfizer should ELIMINATE the need for any Covid vaccines or boosters. Still, they'll probably come up with "pill passports," but anything is better than the cancer-promoting clot shots.

For the best in truth news on your internet dial tune to Pandemic.news because it doesn't take a scientist or doctor to see that Covid vaccines, Remdesivir, masks, ventilators and bad CDC advice have all created a pandemic of their own.

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