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Dr. Lee Merritt: No justification for experimenting on children by injecting them with COVID-19 vaccines – Brighteon.TV
By Arsenio Toledo // Nov 12, 2021

For orthopedic surgeon Dr. Lee Merritt, there is no way to justify experimenting on children by forcing them to take deadly Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. Merritt voiced her opinion when she was interviewed Tuesday, Nov. 9, by "Connecting The Dots" host and conservative political commentator Dan Happel for Brighteon.TV.


"There is no way you can justify vaccinating children based on risk versus benefit," said Merritt. "And I think if anybody needs a kick to wake up, it should have done last week, when the FDA ruled on the basis of 17 advisors, none of whom voted to protect your children from being experimented on."

The doctor pointed out that what the country's leading public health agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should be doing when considering giving segments of the population certain medications is looking at the risks and benefits of doing so.

Even if the COVID-19 vaccines proved to be effective, Merritt said there's still no reason to give them to children because kids have an extremely low risk of contracting, let alone dying from, the coronavirus.

Merritt pointed out how unethical it is to subject children to COVID-19 vaccines, the development of which was rushed for the benefit of Big Pharma companies who stand to profit from selling the vaccines.

"This now is coming after your children, and if people don't stand up for this, I don't know what to do. I mean, this is the 11th hour, if you will," she said. "Children have more of a risk of dying from lightning strikes than being killed by COVID."

Merritt noted that children in Europe were not dying from COVID-19. "A few got sick, but they had no deaths. And their teachers did not get sick and die at any greater rate than the background population. So, not only are they not dying from this, they're not spreading it to adults," she said.

"If you started vaccinating that group with what we know [about] the risks – blood clotting, strokes, myocarditis, these are fatal things. There's just no way to justify any risk to children." (Related: Study: COVID-19 vaccine poses significant risks to children's health.)

Nearly a million kids aged 5 to 11 have already been vaccinated

According to the White House, more than 900,000 kids between the ages of five and 11 have already received one dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine as of Wednesday, Nov. 10.

The White House made it sound like it was an achievement to give nearly a million children the experimental and deadly vaccines just one week after the FDA and other vaccine regulators gave their approval.

"Families across the country are breathing giant sighs of relief," claimed coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients during a briefing with reporters at the White House. He added that President Joe Biden and his administration are continuing to work with states and healthcare providers to make the vaccines available for more children.

Previous statements from the administration make it clear that it has already procured enough vaccine doses to fully vaccinate approximately 28 million five- to 11-year-olds in the United States.

According to Zients, parents of roughly 700,000 children have also booked appointments for their kids at local pharmacies to get the vaccine.

As Merritt has pointed out, unless parents and other people are willing to resist giving children experimental and deadly vaccines, more children may begin experiencing the many adverse effects related to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Happel and Merritt have a lot more to talk about regarding COVID-19 vaccines and the way the pandemic has been handled in the United States. Watch the entire Nov. 9 episode of "Connecting The Dots" with Dan Happel featuring Dr. Lee Merritt here:

"Connecting The Dots" with Dan Happel airs every Tuesday from 5-6 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

Learn more about how children in the U.S. are being forced to take the experimental and deadly COVID-19 vaccines by reading the latest articles at Vaccines.news.

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