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Karen Kingston and Dr. Eric Nepute denounce COVID vaccinations for kids – Brighteon.TV
By Ramon Tomey // Nov 05, 2021

Missouri-based chiropractor Dr. Eric Nepute and his guest Karen Kingston denounced Wuhan coronavirus vaccines for children during the Nov. 2 episode of "Real Talk with Dr. Eric Nepute" on Brighteon.TV.


"Children do not get SARS-CoV-2 and they don't develop COVID-19, so it's statistically and clinically impossible to develop a vaccine that's going to be more powerful than their natural immune system. Why would we then inject them with a synthetic viral code to infect their bodies [and] override their natural immune system?" asked Kingston.

"It's nothing more than to harm the children, to kill the children. There's no scientific or medical argument to vaccinate children. They don't get [COVID-19] … [and they] don't infect other people."

Nepute pointed out that the COVID-19 vaccines are clearly not safe and causing harm.

"We know it causes heart issues but we don't know if it's going to beneficial for children," he said. "We are now more awake than we've ever been. We know that if we keep moving forward with common sense solutions [and] common sense practices, then we're going to stop these draconian measures. We're going to set our world free and we're going to set our children free." (Related: Dr. Eric Nepute slams draconian Covid measures for kids, featuring guest Karen Kingston – Brighteon.TV.)

Nepute noted that one of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisers said it would be impossible to determine any risks or benefits the Pfizer vaccine has on children aged five to 11 until injection is commenced.

"They know and they actually state, 'We could never conduct a trial in children where we could show statistically some evidence that we can prevent symptomatic disease. So we're just going to measure for an immune response that we would see in adults.' If you read all the clinical data regarding the [SARS-CoV-2] spike protein from 2020, what they say is children have a very different immune response than adults," Kingston said.

There's a sinister motive behind children's vaccination

Nepute said: "I've seen the truth … [and] the data points. Its very concerning. We need the FDA and Pfizer to come out. A 17 to nothing decision to approve [the vaccines for children] is, in my opinion, absolutely disgusting and beyond criminal.

"I watched the four-hour conversation that these [FDA] physicians had back and forth. They were absolutely disgusting; nobody answered any questions [or] gave any factual information.

"There were over 50,000 negative comments about this vaccine being approved and they overlooked every one of them. They also overlooked all the negative testimonials that doctors, patients and everybody else put out there." (Related: Covid vaccines harmed and killed more teens in 2021 than all other FDA-approved vaccines combined.)

In response, Kingston said that there is a financial benefit to the FDA approving vaccines for a younger group. "Obviously, people want to go along with the group that they're part of – whether it's the FDA, a school board or anyone in power that's either authorizing or mandating vaccines.

"[It's] horrifying that many of us are realizing that most people have built their lives on their interests. Most people are not willing to make any sacrifices – whether it's social, financial, material – to do what's right for other people. What's really horrifying with the FDA is we're talking about children.

"I worked in the [pharmaceutical] industry; people screw each other over all the time. But there was always a line – you don't do [things] that harm a child. I mean, you just don't, and so I don't know that happened. I think these people are disconnected from any sense of humanity."

Nepute agreed with his guest.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely; humans do things out of sin. There's no question about that. Look at the fact [about] the money trail on this. The reality of it is that if we can cut the money out of this thing, [it] ends tomorrow. As far as I'm concerned, this is a 'plandemic' [and] we're over this thing," Nepute said.

"This has never been a threat against national security. That's the way that our government has perceived this, and that's why they've gotten away with so many things."

Watch the complete Nov. 2 episode of "Real Talk with Dr. Eric Nepute" below. Tune in to "Real Talk with Dr. Eric Nepute" every Tuesday at 4-5 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

FDA.news has more articles about the agency's approval of COVID-19 vaccines for children aged five to 11.

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