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Dr. Stella Immanuel: Signs of the end times emerging amid the pandemic – Brighteon.TV
By Ramon Tomey // Nov 02, 2021

Physician Dr. Stella Immanuel warned that "signs of the end times" have been emerging during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. She made this claim during the Oct. 27 edition of "The Dr. Stella Immanuel Show" on Brighteon.TV.


Immanuel said these signs are mentioned in the 24th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. She also cited numerous examples of these signs emerging more than a year after the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world.

First and foremost of these predictions are those of "wars and rumors of war."

"There is plenty of that happening to the body of Christ, and especially to Israel. There is … hatred and antisemitism rising up everywhere. Hatred has come, even [to] America that used to be one country," Immanuel said.

"We don't know where they stand right now, with these crazy leftists. So many will be offended; offense is the hallmark of this generation. People get offended for all kinds of stupid, little things. They will betray one another, they will hate one another. Right now, these people are hating … [and] fighting against each other. People are just divided in homes, even [among] their own families. There shall be famines. If you notice right now, they're setting us up for famine. There shall be pestilences – coronavirus, AIDS [and] all kinds of pestilences. There [will] be earthquakes in diverse places and plenty of [those are] happening."

Aside from the chaotic signs, Immanuel also mentioned the prevalence of immoral behavior.

"There [will] be a lot of iniquity [and] sin. There [will] be a lot of homosexuality, fornication, drug addiction, betrayal, lying and stealing – just a lot of iniquity. That means many people [are] not interested in God," she said.

"The Bible says a lot of things are [going to] happen … and [they are] escalating, going higher and higher. These things are going to happen for the end comes. So the pressure that is over the people … is going to increase and increase [until they] eventually run to Jesus. If you endure [until] the end, [you] will be saved. There has to be endurance."

Immanuel: COVID vaccine a "medical and spiritual danger"

The Texas-based doctor described the COVID-19 vaccines as "medical and spiritual dangers."

"I really want to zoom in [and] talk about the [COVID-19] vaccine. Let me not call it a vaccine. It's not really a vaccine [based on] how dangerous it is," she said. "We're having a lot of patients that are coming in with a lot of issues, so I just want to address some of [them] … and make people realize: 'What's happening to you [comes] from the [COVID-19] vaccine.'"

According to Immanuel, anyone getting injected with the shot "might end up dying before [they] even have a chance to run to Jesus." She continued: "I know a lot of side effects that are happening [after] this [vaccine]. A lot of people are not recognizing that there's a deception when it comes to this genetic modification. There's a major deception."

The physician pointed out that all other diseases – such as the flu and high blood pressure – had reportedly disappeared when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. "Doctors are being pressured to put COVID-19 as diagnosis. I know patients that have told me: 'My dad did not have [COVID-19] but in his death certificate, they put [it].' So there is a lot of deception going on," she said.

"If you die [of] COVID, you die of COVID. If you show up in the hospital [after having] made a suicide attempt and you [later die] of [an] overdose, sometimes [the doctors] will put COVID [as the cause of death.]"

Immanuel also questioned the use of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in the COVID-19 vaccines. According to Children's Health Defense, the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna use these LNPs for their shots. These particles "encapsulate the [viral] mRNA to protect them from degradation and promote cellular uptake." She asks: "Why do they need to put [an LNP] in this vaccine to allow it to cross the blood-brain barrier?" (Related: COVID-19 vaccine reactions being blamed on PEG, but could it be the body responding to mRNA transhumanist genetic reprogramming?)

"You see, our body is so smart. If you introduce a foreign thing in the body, the body fights it immediately. That's how we were created by God. That is why you walk around with millions and millions of germs around and don't die because God's innate immunity was created just perfect for us to live in this world." (Related: 30-plus studies prove that natural immunity is the best defense against covid.)

"The world has lived with viruses, plagues and everything for generations – long before all these stuff came. And guess what? No virus, no plague, nothing has been able to wipe out humanity. Because whatever disease [or] virus burns itself out naturally, even before human being started intervening with vaccines. I think that some of those human interventions are causing most of the problems in the world."

"Why do they want you to get this vaccine? Because they know that in the end time, the devil will need to be in a position to be able to deceive everybody."

Watch the full Oct. 27 episode of "The Dr. Stella Immanuel Show" below. Tune in to "The Dr. Stella Immanuel Show" every Wednesday at 5-6 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

Truth.news has more articles about COVID-19 vaccines and the end times.

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