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America’s finest are getting purged while the worst of the worst are being promoted
By News Editors // Nov 01, 2021

The vax mandates are nothing more than a way for the regime to purge all remaining "recalcitrants" and complete its transition into an occupation force.


(Article by Chris Menahan republished from InformationLiberation.com)

Our finest people are being fired purely for political reasons while the scum of the earth are being promoted.







Dozens of top nuclear scientists and engineers are being fired at Los Alamos National Lab while border patrol agents are being punished for trying to protect our border.

Meanwhile, transgender fetishist and child-sex change advocate Richard "Rachel" Levine was just promoted to a four-star admiral.



Pete Buttigieg, who ran on creating a state-sponsored grooming program to connect "LGBT youth" with "leaders" in politics and business to teach them "self-love," was appointed Secretary of Transportation and swiftly went on two months "paternity leave" after trafficking two children.


This is what it's like to live under occupation with rulers who literally hate you.

We need a new Declaration of Independence from the hostile junta in DC.

Read more at: InformationLiberation.com

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