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FAKE NEWS DEBUNKED: ‘Zip Tie Guy’ at Capitol protest merely picked up the restraints from a table
By News Editors // Jan 29, 2021

One insidious piece of fake news that circulated widely after the Jan. 6 siege on the U.S. Capitol is that there was a protester with zip ties who was among the individuals who dared to enter the holy grounds on that fateful day.


(Article by Shane Trejo republished from BigLeaguePolitics.com)

This was used by dishonest left-wing pundits and lying government officials to claim that the Trump supporters were engaged in an insurrection and a coup on Jan. 6.




However, it has since come out that there was not any individual who brought zip ties to the U.S. Capitol protest to kidnap federal officials.

After deceiving the public for weeks, prosecutors were forced to admit in court that a man seen with the alleged zip ties had actually taken plastic handcuffs from police. While this may be a crime, it shows that there was no harmful intent from the protesters, most of whom demonstrated peacefully in and around the U.S. Capitol.

Eric Munchel, a U.S. Capitol protester who has been maligned falsely as the 'Zip Tie Guy,' reportedly grabbed the handcuffs off from a table. The new court filing explains what occurred.

"At one point, MUNCHEL spots plastic handcuffs on a table inside a hallway in the Capitol. MUNCHEL exclaims, ‘zipties. I need to get me some of them motherf—ers," and grabs several white plastic handcuffs from on top of a cabinet," the filing states, adding: "As MUNCHEL and [his mother, Lisa Eisenhart,] are attempting to leave, Eisenhart says words to the effect of, 'Don't carry the zip ties, just get 'em out of their hand.'"

It appears that Munchel and his mother, Lisa Eisenhart, were simply trying to prevent the plastic handcuffs from being used to detain patriots at the scene. As the case is heard in court, more details about the case will be heard, and the full truth can be determined.

Big League Politics has attempted to debunk a lot of the spin, which is coming from liberals and conservatives alike, surrounding the Jan. 6 Capitol siege:

Less than a week after the infamous U.S. Capitol siege took place, many conservative talking heads – perhaps in an attempt to protect President Donald Trump from the nuclear fall-out – are claiming that ANTIFA terrorists were responsible for the mayhem that ultimately resulted in five people dead…

However, investigative work by Big League Politics shows that there is no real evidence showing that this event was promulgated or set up by ANTIFA and the political establishment.

In fact, there is more evidence showing that this was a spontaneous uprising of angry patriots who have been pushed past the breaking point.

As a reporter who was embedded in the thick of the chaotic scene, I personally witnessed protesters singing "God Bless America" and "I'm Proud to be an American" while they were being tear gassed and flash banged by authorities.

Protesters were risking life and limb to climb up scaffolding to wave the American flag and boldly display their patriotism. Chants included "USA! USA!" and "We the People," with constitutional iconography being found everywhere…

Does this seem like the optics of an ANTIFA rally, or a pro-American uprising? Big Tech entities are scrambling to censor footage of the rally so that they can control the narrative about what actually took place, so people cannot understand this was a pro-freedom revival in the vein of the Founding Fathers.

Additionally, much of the "evidence" showing that prominent protesters seen inside the Capitol were ANTIFA has already been debunked.

While the Capitol siege may have been seen as destructive and drastic, what is really destructive and drastic is the behavior committed by Congress selling ordinary Americans out for decades. The Capitol demonstrators ought to be punished as harshly as the ANTIFA thugs who attacked Trump’s inauguration in 2017 for their mostly peaceful protest.

Read more at: BigLeaguePolitics.com and Faked.news

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