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PARLER GOES DARK. In America, if the left doesn’t like you, they can just turn you off. For EVERYONE.
By News Editors // Jan 13, 2021

It is now 30 minutes past midnight, Pacific Time, and per their ultimatum this weekend, Amazon has turned off Parler.


(Article by Fred T republished from TheRightScoop.com)

The Big Tech Purge is now at the next level. They’ve gone from concept to execution (a fitting word) on their test case of shutting down speech and banning what they don’t like from the internet.

It could take weeks or more for Parler to come back, IF they can come back, as CEO John Matze explained on Sunday. They’re having trouble finding vendors, because the mafia bosses have declared them unclean.

He elaborated even more in one of the final Parleys before the lights went out.

Who is next?


Come on. You already know who is next.

Read more at: TheRightScoop.com

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