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Trump urged to invoke 2018 Executive Order on foreign influence due to ‘High treason’
By News Editors // Dec 16, 2020

Lt. General Tom McInerney has urged President Trump to invoke his 2018 Executive Order on "foreign influence" due to the high treason being committed by Democratic operatives.


(Article by Niamh Harrisc republished from NewsPunch.com)

In an interview on the Two Mikes podcast, General McInerny discussed what action President Trump must take now in order to become the certified winner of the 2020 election.

The General noted that the President has done his best to do everything in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.

McInerny warned that time was running short and that the evidence of widespread treason committed by Democrats since 2015 fully justifies the president to declare a state of insurrection and to urgenly apply his 2018 Executive Order against the those who rigged the election on behalf of China.

Noqreport.com reports: Each of us speculated that the President probably would still have to declare martial law in order to deal with the violence that the Democrats’ terrorist groups—Antifa, BLM, and BAMN ( by all means necessary)—will be ordered by the party leaders to unleash against Americans and their property.

Read more at: NewsPunch.com

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