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Situation Update, Dec. 9th – Humanity’s breakthrough moment: We REFUSE to be enslaved!
By Mike Adams // Dec 09, 2020

Today's Situation Update (for Dec. 9th) brings you my vocal rendition of "We're Not Gonna Take It" as well as details about the Texas lawsuit with SCOTUS, the Antifa uprising against police in Portland, and how covid-19 + vaccines are being used as a global infertility / depopulation system to appease globalists who hate humanity.


We also learn how Georgia legislators are now being terrorized by threats from Antifa, more details about the military airlift into Nellis AFB, and why the Arizona election is now officially contested.

Cornell University says that only "People Of Color" (POC) can exempt themselves from mandatory vaccines, while White people are forced to take them. (Medical eugenics.) (Breitbart.com)

Democrats want a national mask mandate, which they'll push heavily if they manage to steal this election. "Children of Men" will soon become a reality as mass infertility sweeps the globe, and China claims control over top U.S. officials on Wall Street and in Washington D.C.

Plus the former Israeli space security chief says the "Galactic Federation" is real, and Trump knows about it!

Listen to the full episode at Brighteon.com:


Hear all the other Situation Update podcasts at the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com:


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