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Third suspect in Georgia “suitcase scandal” identified as man who spread lie about broken water pipe
By Ethan Huff // Dec 08, 2020

The ringleader and third suspect behind the election fraud "suitcase scandal" that occurred at State Farm Arena in Atlanta has been identified as Ralph Jones, the same guy who lied about there being a broken water pipe on election night.


Reports indicate that Jones, whose LinkedIn profile lists him as the "Registration Chief" in Fulton County, led a team of operatives in carrying out the voter fraud scheme. This scheme involved removing all Republican election observers from the counting room before rolling out multiple suitcases full of illegitimate ballots for Joe Biden that were run through the machine in the middle of the night.

As a cover, Jones told local Atlanta news channel 11Alive that the counting room had to be closed down for the night because a pipe burst – what actually happened is that a toilet was running, which was quickly fixed with no problems – allowing the election thieves to do their evil deeds when nobody was watching.

What they did not know, however, is that State Farm Arena surveillance cameras were watching, as they captured the entire thing as it unfolded. Jones, local business owner Ruby Freeman, her daughter Shaye Ross and various others were caught on tape rolling out the suitcases and processing the fake ballots during the wee morning hours of Nov. 4.

"It was their actions that gave Joe Biden the spike in unexplained votes in Georgia on Wednesday morning," writes Jim Hoft for The Gateway Pundit. "It was a conspiracy to lie to the public including local news, to remove observers from the center and then to commit their hidden suitcase ballot fraud."

To support attorney Sidney Powell's efforts to expose and remedy this and other election fraud, be sure to check out her website.

Jones, Ross and Freeman all belong in prison for committing election fraud

Jones was responsible for reporting the fake pipe burst just after 6am on Nov. 3, claiming that it occurred right above the room where the ballots were being kept – how convenient.

Jones falsely claimed that water was draining down the left side of the room where the ballots were being stored, which meant counting had to stop and observers needed to leave. What he failed to mention, however, is that the issue was resolved by 8am, long before the suitcase scandal took place.

We also know that there actually never was an issue at all because there was never a work order filed to fix any broken pipes in the building. The local water department confirmed this, exposing Jones' story as a lie.

"We know this was a lie because there was NEVER a work order filed and the water department never received a call," Hoft confirms. "It never happened ... But it gave Ralph and Ruby and Shaye cover to complete their scam on Georgia and America!"

Surveillance footage shows the man moving from his regular station to another cube where he held numerous calls with someone right before the illegal ballots were pulled out of the suitcase and counted.

A composite put together by Yaacov Apelbaum from the Illustrated Primer shows the man in red, now identified as Jones, making two phone calls on election night at 10:58pm, which triggered the removal of the suitcases containing fake ballots from underneath tables that were covered in black material.

"Ralph Jones Jr. has his own consulting firm and did work for Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms," Hoft writes. "Mayor Bottoms paid Ralph Jones Jr.'s consulting firm $3,600 during her runoff last year ... And then she won her runoff! What a great investment!"

As more news about election fraud breaks headlines, you will find our coverage of it at Trump.news.

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