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Explosive tag-team interview: Gary Heavin, Steve Quayle and Mike Adams join Sheila Zilinsky to cover transhumanism vaccines, domestic warfare and the global GENOCIDE agenda against humanity
By Mike Adams // Nov 26, 2020

This is a first: Steve Quayle, Gary Heavin and myself joined Sheila Zilinsky for an explosive tag-team interview that has just been published on Brighteon.com, Rumble and other free speech platforms.


This interview covers transhumanism technology in coronavirus vaccines, the case for Trump winning the election, why domestic warfare breaks out across America very soon, and even the globalist genocide agenda against humanity.

Never before have these three highly informed guests appeared together in any interview. And the results are truly hard-hitting.

WARNING: Fake Christians who have turned their bodies and souls over to Satan by accepting vaccines made with aborted fetal tissue will be highly offended by this interview. If you are a fake Christian who only pretends to follow the word of God so that you can be accepted in your fake church that actually worships Satan, you won't want to hear this talk. Because we call out all the fake Christians who are actually serving evil. And this includes followers of the Pope who is an "entity" serving Satan.


See more fascinating videos at Brighteon.com, the free speech alternative to YouTube.

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