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Leaked Zoom calls and documents show federal workers and activists conspiring to participate in a COUP and SHUT DOWN THE WHITE HOUSE
By News Editors // Nov 03, 2020

A trove of leaked Zoom calls, handbooks, and documents were leaked Sunday that reveal the extent to which left-wing activists and federal workers are making plans to disrupt the federal government, including shutting down the White House and Congress, in a report published by CD Media.


(Article  by Evan James republished from BigLeaguePolitics.com)

Two websites were created to house the footage and the documents, SunriseExposed.com and ExposeSunrise.com. CD Media reports that all content has been passed on to the police and that the websites will be updated regularly over the next 24 hours with more documents, videos, and images.

The leaker was a “disaffected insider” of the far-left Sunrise Movement, which was founded in 2017 and has legal nonprofit status.

Within the trove of leaked documents and footage is “a well-coordinated plan to shut down federal buildings (including the White House), public transportation portals, and disrupt Congress when it returns post-election.”

The video below depicts federal workers on a Zoom call discussing “actions and decisions” within their “immediate spheres of influence” and revealing that what they’re engaging in is in fact a coup d’etat. One woman discussed preparation for the possibility that various left-wing activist groups will cross “red lines” and to “think about different actions that can be taken well beyond street protests and demonstrations, kind of sustained organizing and action.”


Another video depicts members of the Shut Down DC group detailing their plans to, well, shut down parts of DC, including the White House.

“On the 5th, we’re going to shut down the White House. On the 6th, we’re going to shut down larger parts of DC,” said one man on the leaked Zoom call. He also mentions confronting members of Congress trying to get to DC and “sending them back to where they came from.”

Go HERE and HERE to peruse all the documents and footage.

Read more at: BigLeaguePolitics.com and WhiteHouse.news

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