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‘Destroy Trump ballots’ demands NYT, Atlantic mag writer
By News Editors // Nov 03, 2020

Jon Schwarz, who is also published at mainstream outlets including The New York Times and The Atlantic, also advocates for illegal immigrants to vote repeatedly in presidential elections.


(Article by Natalie Winters republished from TheNationalPulse.com)

Schwarz identifies himself as an alum of filmmaker Michael Moore’s Dog Eat Dog Films and “a research producer for Moore’s “Capitalism: A Love Story.”

“He’s contributed to many publications, including the New Yorker, the New York Times, The Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal, Mother Jones, and Slate, as well as NPR and “Saturday Night Live,” his bio also claims.

Schwarz’s Twitter account, however, contains a litany of tweets advocating for the destruction of “Trump ballots” dating all the way back to 2016.

In response to a user insisting he visited a voting site “to fake IDs & assist in ferrying illegals from polling station to polling station,” Schwarz responded “let’s not rest on our laurels though, everyone’s needed in Wisconsin to destroy Trump ballots during the recount” in December of 2016.


Schwarz also reacted to a Huffington Post Editor tweeting: “i love my job working at a voting site in washington dc destroying trump ballots,” which prompted a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) probe, by insisting he “want[ed] to emphasize to the FBI that, while @nickbaumann was joking, I was completely serious. I am not kidding.”

He appears to be referencing his countless tweets supporting the destruction of pro-Trump ballots.

Boasting he has “destroyed 1000s of ballots”, Schwarz added, “it’s weird the FBI is investigating Nick for jokes when I’m the one who destroyed 1000s of ballots.”


What’s more, Schwarz added that he felt “at least 75% of the MSM, including me, has a side job destroying Trump ballots”  just days before the 2016 election.


“When you love something as much as we love destroying Trump ballots, you make the time,” he added as a follow up to the tweet on November 1st.


Schwarz continued, tweeting an acknowledgment that “lots more people want [Trump] to be president,”  adding “but that’s why we destroy the ballots, otherwise wouldn’t bother.”


Schwarz also tweeted “it’s not a felony, it’s legal to destroy Trump ballots” and “no, the constitution says you can destroy trump ballots.”



Schwarz’s more recently social media activity includes sharing an article entitled: “The Election Isn’t Over Until Trump’s Gone,” which furthers the suggestions made by groups like the Transition Integrity Project, which called for “street fights” in the wake of a Trump victory.

Read more at: TheNationalPulse.com

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