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Mailchimp issues new terms of service banning all ‘misleading’ content ‘in their sole discretion’
By News Editors // Oct 29, 2020

The popular email service, Mailchimp has released new terms of service that call for the banning of any “misleading” content “in their sole discretion,” particularly when it pertains to narratives not approved by the official media.


(Article by Shane Trejo republished from BigLeaguePolitics.com)

“We’ve updated our language to further clarify our Rules (Section 17 of STOU), which state that Mailchimp does not allow the distribution of Content that is, in our sole discretion, materially false, inaccurate, or misleading in a way that could deceive or confuse others about important events, topics, or circumstances,” the new terms of service read.

Podcaster and conservative activist Tracy Beanz drew attention to Mailchimp’s problematic change in their terms of service in a social media post:


This is occurring in response to the infamous laptop-from-hell leaks that show Hunter Biden in all kinds of compromising situations, as his years of being a crack-loving hooker fiend finally catch up with him. In an attempt to protect the fledgling presidential campaign of his father, Big Tech entities have conspired to censor the story but to no avail.

Big League Politics published a story showing how alternative news outlets are being targeted in this coordinated attack on free speech by these tech monopolies:

Twitter has exploded in an onslaught of dishonest left-wing censorship, targeting conservative-leaning media outlets for temporary bans and suspensions in the wake of a series of Hunter Biden corruption reports.

The New York Post- one of the largest newspapers in the entire country- has been locked down by Twitter since initially reporting the Hunter Biden laptop story earlier this month. The Post hasn’t tweeted since October 14th, having been silenced by the tech monopoly for almost two weeks in the heat of the presidential election.

The Gateway Pundit, one of the most viral and popular conservative news sites, was placed onto a 12-hour Twitter suspension for reporting on contents released from Hunter Biden’s laptop. GP reporter Cassandra Fairbanks confirmed that the site had been placed on a 12-hour suspension on Friday.

Big League Politics was placed on a 12-hour Twitter suspension on Saturday night, with the platform arbitrarily citing BLP’s #DetroitLeaks reporting. Remarkably, one of the tweets found to violate the Twitter rules was none other than an unedited video of a Michigan poll worker instructor speaking!

It violates the Twitter rules to record and play audio from a public elections official explaining processes and rules for poll workers, apparently.

Mainstream media “journalists” are instead frantically demanding more weak minded censorship on the part of Silicon Valley oligarchs.

Big Tech has demonstrated gross negligence by enacting the Orwellian nightmare in a desperate attempt to oust President Trump from office. Their electoral interference schemes are worse than anything the Russians could ever devise.

Read more at: BigLeaguePolitics.com

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