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Ultra-liberal Chelsea Handler reminds black people how they’re “allowed” to vote, according to white-skinned people like herself
By Ethan Huff // Oct 28, 2020

Someone named Chelsea Handler who is apparently a celebrity comedian publicly announced the other day that she believes black people are only allowed to vote for Democrats.


Speaking to fellow alleged comedian Jimmy Fallon, who infamously painted himself in “blackface,” Handler lamented the fact that her ex-boyfriend “50 Cent” (whose real name is Curtis James Jackson III), a black man, endorsed Donald Trump for reelection.

“You heard about my ex-boyfriend, right, 50 Cent and his support of Donald Trump how he tweeted about it,” Handler squawked at Fallon.

“He says he doesn’t want to pay 62 percent of taxes, which by the way, isn’t a plan of Joe Biden’s. That’s a lie, so he doesn’t want to pay 62 percent of taxes because he doesn’t want to go from being 50 Cent to 20 Cent and I – and I had to remind him that he was a black person so he can’t vote for Donald Trump.”

After pausing to allow Fallon the chance to finish laughing, Handler went on to declare that 50 Cent has no business “influencing an entire swath of people who may listen to him because he’s worried about his own personal pocketbook.”

This “swath of people,” of course, are black people, whom Handler and apparently Fallon say can only vote for Biden because they have black skin. This directly coincides with Biden’s own racist statement from earlier this year that if black people don’t vote for him, then they “ain’t black.”

Not okay with any black person voting for Trump, Handler, who is also racist, told whoever watches Fallon’s late-night show that she is willing to “seal the deal in more ways than one … if you know what I’m talking about” in the event that 50 Cent changes his mind and decides to vote for Biden instead.

“If he changes his mind and publicly denounces Donald Trump, I might be willing to go for another spin,” she crassly added, suggesting that she would repay 50 Cent with sexual favors in the event that he comes back to the Democrat plantation.

You can watch a clip of the exchange between Handler and Fallon at this link.

Handler calls 50 Cent derogatory names while patronizingly saying she’ll pay his taxes

This embarrassing and degrading display was apparently not enough for Handler, who proceeded to go on Twitter to harass her ex-boyfriend with an expletive-laden rant calling him out for not voting the way he is supposed to as a black man.

“Hey f***er! I will pay your taxes in exchange for you coming to your senses,” Handler white-splained to 50 Center, who presumably had to block for her harassment since Twitter surely did not.

“Happily! Black lives matter,” she added. “That’s you, f***er! Remember?”

Handler, Fallon and others in Hollywood are quite visibly upset and nervous that black people like 50 Cent, who no longer appear to be under the spell and control of their former handlers – no pun intended – are thinking for themselves while encouraging their followers to do the same.

If enough celebrities and musicians, especially those “of color,” make the types of announcements that 50 Cent did on his social media accounts, then “swaths of people,” as Handler would put it, are likely to vote accordingly, decreasing Biden’s chances of winning.

“She must have a hugely overinflated sense of her talents in the sack if she thinks this won’t cause Fiddy to vote Republican forever,” joked one Twitter commenter about Handler’s cringeworthy display.

“I now know why you aren’t the current spin,” wrote another. “Run 50 Cent!!”

More related news about Hollywood’s meltdown over black people like 50 Cent voting for Trump can be found at Trump.news.

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