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White silence is violence, but black violence is peace?
By Ethan Huff // Jun 08, 2020

Nearly half of all Americans, according to the AFP – and take this with a huge grain of salt – supposedly now agree that police officers unfairly target black culprits with excessive force. This is why some white people are now marching in the streets for black lives alongside actual black lives. But what about the violence that blacks commit all the time against other blacks?


There is a new saying going around that says "white silence is violence," the implication being that if a white person is not actively protesting with Antifa and Black Lives Matter that he or she is guilty of complicit violence. But, again, what about all of the black-on-black violence that is being whitewashed or flat-out ignored?

On the last day of May, Chicago reported its deadliest day in 60 years with a shocking 18 murders committed in just 24 hours. This means that 18 George Floyds, so to speak, lost their lives in a single day, and yet nobody out there is protesting this wave of mostly black violence.

"We've never seen anything like it, at all," stated Max Kapustin, senior research director of the University of Chicago Crime Lab. "I don't even know how to put it into context. It's beyond anything that we've ever seen before."

The only other day that ever even came close was August 4, 1991, when 13 murders were reported in the streets of Chicago. This means that the new record set on May 31 is almost 40 percent higher than the previous record. But is Black Lives Matter or Antifa taking notice? Of course not.

Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about how Democrats are now wanting to make crime in places like Chicago even worse by abolishing police forces:

The protesters are the complacent ones who refuse to acknowledge the facts

With this in mind, it is truly laughable that mobs of angry protesters are now lashing out at white people for their alleged "historic complacency" in ignoring what they claim is "systemic racism" against blacks. If anything, it is actually the protesters who are demonstrating historic complacency by not acknowledging the scourge of black-on-black violence that goes almost completely unnoticed by the left.

Do black lives only matter when they are taken by non-black lives? Since the obvious answer to this question is yes, can anyone explain why? Does ignoring black-on-black violence also constitute a form of silence that indicates complicity in that violence?

By remaining silent on this issue, leftists are sending the message that they simply do not care about black lives like 18-year-old Lazarra Daniels, a student at DRW College Prep in Lawndale, who was one of the black lives gunned down in Chicago on May 31. They also do not care about Keishanay Bolden, another 18-year-old black life who was fatally shot during an argument in the Englewood neighborhood where she grew up.

Ironically, Bolden was studying law enforcement and justice at Western Illinois University WIU. After graduating, she had planned to become a corrections officer, where she could have contributed to criminal justice reform.

"Keishanay always had a smile on her face and a contagious laugh," stated Rebeka Buchanan, an English professor at WIU. "Not only was she fun to have in class, she was dedicated to learning and her community. This is tragic."

Another black life that was lost on May 31 was Angelo Bronson, a 36-year-old father of two young children who was randomly gunned down during a drive-by shooting. He lives in Washington state, but was visiting family members in Chicago over the weekend.

To keep up with the latest news about the rioting and looting taking place at the hands of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, be sure to check out LiberalMob.com.

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