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The Washington Post is a fake news shill outlet that promotes vaccines and pharmaceuticals while quietly accepting cash from Big Pharma
By Ethan Huff // Dec 31, 2019

The corporate media at large is notorious for shilling vaccine industry propaganda on the regular. But there's one fake news outlet in particular that deserves special recognition for flaunting its pro-vaccine bias, and that's the Jeff Bezos-owned The Washington Post.


"Amazon News," as it should probably be renamed, actually has a resident pro-vaxxer propagandist on its payroll by the name of Lena Sun who basically functions as Big Pharma's modern reanimation of the infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

While the Post identifies Sun as a "health reporter," the fact of the matter is that she's actually a professional vaccine propagandist who gets paid to spread lies on behalf of the forced drugging industry.

Back in 2017, for instance, Sun wrote an article for the Post arguing that it's "a bad idea" for parents to in any way alter or extend the standard vaccination schedule recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), arguing that it's been "tested extensively" and is thus safe.

"No new immunization is added to the schedule until it has been evaluated both alone and when given with the other current immunizations," Sun claimed.

It sounds really nice, if only it were true. As pointed out by Jeffrey R. Hammond on his blog, a 2016 paper published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons unequivocally states: "The safety of CDC's childhood vaccination schedule was never affirmed in clinical studies."

Hammond goes on to quote that same study, which further states: "Vaccines are administered to millions of infants every year, yet health authorities have no scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants are likely to receive."

The Institute of Medicine (IOM), which the CDC itself considers to be an authoritative source of vaccine information, agrees, having admitted back in 2013 that "existing research has not been designed to test the entire immunization schedule" – pretty self-explanatory, wouldn't you say?

But when Hammond reached out to the Post, and to Sun specifically, to address the errors in Sun's reporting, he was told by Sun that he had taken this IOM quote "out of context," and that was that.

To this very day, the Post refuses to retract Sun's fake news article. In fact, Sun has gone on to publish many more fake news articles about vaccines, including one contending that influenza vaccines are safe for pregnant women. Sun also insists that whooping cough outbreaks are being caused by unvaccinated children, even though the exact opposite is true.

And time and time again, even when the facts are presented to her, Sun has systematically refused to make any corrections to set the record straight.

What's worse is the fact that Sun has directly attacked and misrepresented those who've confronted her with the truth, including Children's Health Defense (CHD), a vaccine truth organization started by John F. Kennedy Jr. that's now at the forefront of the vaccine truth movement.

In a hilarious example of the pot calling the kettle black, Sun actually wrote in one of her articles that CHD is guilty of spreading "false claims" about vaccines, even though it's Sun who continues to publish lie after lie about the "safety and effectiveness" of vaccines.

And why is she doing this, exactly? Because she's a "deep state" asset who's being paid to lie on behalf of Big Vaccine, plain and simple.

The CIA basically purchased Amazon and The Washington Post back in 2013

In case you aren't aware, Jeff Bezos, who now owns the Post, was awarded a $600 million contract by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) back in 2013 to build the deep state agency's "private cloud" data processing infrastructure. And ever since that time, the Post has been churning out endless vaccine propaganda articles by Sun and its other pro-vaccine writers – a coincidence? Hardly.

"The corporate media serve the function of manufacturing consent for government policy by systematically lying to the public about what science tells us about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines," notes Hammond in his analysis of the Post's true agenda.

Keep in mind that Amazon itself, under Bezos' watch, is rapidly morphing into its own pharmaceutical company, which means that it, too, has a vested interest in keeping as many people as possible on the jab train. You might say that the Post has become a type of public relations firm for not just Big Pharma generally, but Amazon Pharma specifically.

This would explain why Amazon is now banning all vaccine truth content from its platform, whether it be the VAXXED documentaries or books highlighting the potential adverse effects of vaccines as revealed in vaccine package inserts.

Amazon and the Post, with the help of shills like Sun, basically now exist as propaganda mouthpieces for drugs and vaccines. While posing as a retailer and a news outlet, respectively, Amazon and the Post are essentially trafficking in lies and misinformation about vaccines and presenting them as "facts."

"To keep people sick, malicious anti-journalists like Lena Sun have to lie about the safety of vaccines as a way to convince people to keep taking the very shots that spread infectious disease and contaminate their bodies with aluminum, mercury, squalene and other toxic chemicals that are deliberately formulated into vaccines," points out Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.

"So Lena Sun, obviously under orders from the vaccine deep state, falsely writes that all vaccines are safety tested against the entire childhood vaccination schedule before being released. It's an outright lie, of course, and she refuses to retract it, but that's how the CIA rolls: just gaslight everybody while demanding anyone who questioned your lies be silenced or discredited."

One wonders how Sun is able to sleep at night knowing that she's nothing more than a corporate mouthpiece for an industry that injures and kills thousands of innocent children annually with its poison needles and pills. Rather than conduct true investigative journalism, Sun merely parrots Big Pharma's talking points while pretending to be a "health reporter" – and gets paid handsomely for it by her pharma handlers.

To keep up with the latest news about Amazon and The Washington Post, be sure to check out Deception.news.

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