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“Scientist of the Year” arrested, charged with 35 counts of child porn… many science “skeptics” are pedophiles
By Ethan Huff // Apr 24, 2019

A professor of chemistry at Portland State University in Oregon has reportedly been arrested and charged with 35 counts related to child pornography – and this after having previously received "Scientist of the Year" at his school.


According to reports, Niles Lehman was indicted back in February, and arrested not long after, following allegations that he had not only been viewing child pornography, but also producing it. Lehman, who received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, was taken into police custody on February 21, court records indicate.

Of Lehman's 35 charges, 29 of them allege that he "did unlawfully and knowingly develop, duplicate, publish, print, disseminate, exchange, display, finance, attempt to finance, and sell a visual recording of sexually explicit conduct involving a child." The other six allege that Lehman possessed or viewed child pornography.

Upon being arrested, Lehman reportedly failed to mention that he worked for Portland State University, indicating merely that he held a Ph.D. "and sometimes drove for Lyft, DoorDash and Postmates." In a statement, Portland State University revealed that Lehman is currently on paid administrative leave, and is "very concerned about the charges."

"It's certainly upsetting that there are accusations that a PSU employee is engaged in illegal and improper conduct, which is reflected in the charges against Professor Lehman," the statement reads.

When questioned for further comment about the case, specifically why Lehman was put on paid administrative leave, Portland State University spokesman Kenny Ma declined to comment.

"Yes, student tuition and citizen tax dollars are still going to him," wrote Brock Simmons for The Gateway Pundit, adding that Lehman was able to post his $25,000 bail, and is now released and back in public.

Lehman is, however, under 24-hour GPS monitoring, and was forced to surrender his passport; is not allowed to go on the internet; and cannot go near children or "places where they're likely to gather."

At the time when this article was written, Lehman's faculty page on the Portland State University website has been removed, pulling up only a "Page Not Found" landing page.

For more related news, be sure to check out Evil.news.

Niles Lehman, James Randi, and David Gorski – science "skeptics" or deviant perverts?

It's important to point out that Lehman falls under the banner of science "skeptics," having received a "Senior Faculty Research Excellence Award" from Portland State University for his research into "biochemical and genetic processes that drove the origins of life on Earth some four billion years ago and still drive the evolution of organisms today."

In other words, Lehman is an atheist, much like James Randi Zwinge, aka "Amazing Randi," another scientific "skeptic" and atheist who several years back faced similar charges as Lehman. According to Randi's TruthWiki entry, charges were brought against him for trying to solicit oral sex from a young man.

As we reported back in 2016, Randi is connected to another more well-known "skeptic" by the name of David Gorski, a surgical oncologist at the Karmanos Cancer Center in Detroit, Michigan.

Known by his self-praising internet alias "ORAC," short for "infallible oracle" – which is how Gorski sees himself – Gorski, just like Randi and Lehman, are all contributors to online harassment, bullying, and intimidation of those who understand science differently. And Gorski, at least, is guilty of a whole lot worse, seeing as how he's still roaming free as one of the online "skeptic" ringleaders.

"An ongoing Natural News investigation has revealed that Gorski is just one of several co-conspirators who engage in online racketeering, identity deceptions and alleged cyber crimes to commit scientific fraud while destroying their targeted enemies in the holistic health realm," writes Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.

See more reporting on corrupt, criminal "scientists" at ScienceClowns.com.

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