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How to find unique family heirlooms at thrift stores – watch at Brighteon.com
By Ethan Huff // Oct 28, 2018

If you're someone who likes to salvage other people's trash by turning it into your own personal treasures, listen up!


Marjory Wildcraft from The Grow Network recently aired a segment about family heirlooms, available for viewing at Brighteon.com, that explains what to look for while shopping at thrift stores or garage sales for useful tools and other items that could become valuable family heirlooms.

She says to keep an eye out for stainless steel items, whether they be pots and pans, or other useful items for keeping around the house. Since stainless steel is, as its name suggests, stainless, even old items made out of it can be cleaned up and made like new without much effort.

"I have a love affair with stainless steel," Wildcraft says. "Of all the many advantages we have growing our food these days from, say, people in the Middle Ages or the Roman times or even pre-history, is some of the new materials that we've created ... and one of them is stainless steel."

Be sure to watch this full segment of The Grow Network with Marjory Wildcraft below:

A $2 stainless steel pan can become a family treasure

Wildcraft uses the example of an old stainless steel pan that she found lodged in her yard that hadn't been used in years. It didn't look like much initially, but after a little bit of elbow grease, Wildcraft was able to transform it back into like-new condition.

"I found this pan the other day, it's been out in the yard in the dirt for, I think, a couple of years," Wildcraft explains.

"It looks horrible, but I'm going to clean it up and show you how it can be just like brand new again. And that's really the amazing thing about stainless steel is it's virtually indestructible, and it cleans up so well."

After scrubbing the old-looking pan with simple yard grass, Wildcraft was able to present a shiny "new" pan to her viewers, demonstrating the amazing longevity of stainless steel.

"I find pans so useful all the time for chicken feed or dog food or maybe a little miniature pool for baby geese, maybe it's a tray that you're going to hold tools on for a project that you're working on," she says.

"Pans and containers are so useful, and stainless steel, quite frankly, even with the abuse that this has already gotten, this can last not only my lifetime, but I could be handing this down to my children."

If you see used stainless steel for a cheap price, buy it!

Wildcraft happened to notice that there was still a sticker attached to her old stainless steel pan indicating that it cost a mere $1.99 from a thrift store or garage sale. It's items like this that can be purchased for next to nothing that make some of the best and most useful tools for around the house or homestead.

"So look at that – it just cleans up and it's beautiful, it's almost just like brand new," Wildcraft proclaims.

"And I happened to notice on the back here, $1.99. You can't beat it. This thing is going to last forever. Stainless steel is an amazing material. So the next time you're at a thrift shop or a flea market or a garage sale ... go check out the section with the pots and pans, and pick out the stainless steel stuff. You'll find it incredibly useful and lasting a long, long time."

Be sure to watch the full segment with Marjory Wildcraft at Brighteon.com.

You can also find more tips about successful and affordable homesteading by visiting OffGridLiving.news.

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