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Vaccine industry in PANIC MODE as *vaccinated* children keep dying from the flu all across America
By Mike Adams // Jan 28, 2018

Children are dying from the flu all across America, according to media reports. What the media isn't reporting, however, is how many of the children who died were also vaccine recipients. Make no mistake: If only unvaccinated children were dying from the flu, that would be the headline everywhere: "Unvaccinated Children Dying Across America" or even "Flu Shot Saves Children from Deadly Influenza." But of course you're not seeing those headlines for the simple reason that vaccinated children are among those who are being killed by this year's flu.


"The dominant Influenza strain this year is H3N2. This particular strain has a history of causing more hospitalizations and more deaths," reports The Organic Prepper. "In addition to H3N2 producing a more serious infection in general, this year’s particular H3N2 influenza virus is particularly virulent."

This year's flu has reportedly killed 44,116 people, according to the CDC. The number of children so far killed by this year's flu is 37, say CDC statistics. The flu vaccine, widely touted by the clueless media as being some sort of magical "bulletproof vest" against influenza infections, is approaching zero effectiveness.

Via The Organic Prepper:

Not only does this influenza strain produce a more intense and deadly flu, the flu vaccine is less effective against it. This Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) article discusses a study published in The Lancet spanning 11 years that demonstrates H3N2 is more resistant to the flu vaccine. ... the flu vaccine demonstrates only a 33% vaccine effective (VE) rate with the average H3N2 strain... To make matters worse, this year’s flu vaccine isn’t even close to the average 33% VE rate of prior years. This year’s vaccine is performing at approximately a 10% VE rate.

So wait, what?

You mean to tell me the CDC already knows that this year's vaccine is only 10% effective at protecting children from the influenza strains circulating in the wild? According to CBS News:

This year's flu vaccine may only be 10% effective, experts warn... It is the same formulation that was used during Australia's most recent flu season -- which typically sets a pattern for what the U.S. will face -- and it was only 10 percent effective there.

How many children who died from this year's flu were vaccinated with the "10% effective" flu shot?

Note that the vaccine-pushing media isn't reporting headlines such as, "Child who died from the flu was vaccinated with the flu shot." No, that would be heresy to the vaccine dogmatists and propagandists who desperately push the false science that claims flu shots always work.

Even when flu shots don't work, these propagandists still claim they sorta, kinda, almost work. CBS News dutifully demonstrates this pseudoscience delusion by restating the fictitious mantra of the flu propagandists: "Experts say that if you do get the flu, it will likely be less severe if you have gotten a flu shot."

There is no evidence whatsoever to support such a claim, of course, but that doesn't stop the media from repeating it -- almost verbatim -- in every news story that covers the repeated failures of the flu vaccine itself.

There is evidence, however, that mercury-laced flu shots are killing infants. A 4,250% increase in fetal deaths was documented following the mercury-laced flu vaccination sweep of 2009 - 2010. Furthermore, Natural News has irrefutably proven that flu shots still contain mercury, even though the vaccine industry deliberately lies and claims mercury has been removed from all vaccines given to children. That's a deliberate lie.

Not only is it unbelievably sad that American children keep dying from a preventable infection, but it's downright criminal that the medical establishment and legacy media both refuse to tell parents how to save the lives of their children through low-cost nutrition.


Vaccine magic explained: Even when it's the wrong strain, it still kinda works by "vaccine magic"

Their logic, if you can even call it that, demands that you believe in vaccine magic, which requires that you abandon all scientific thinking about immunological responses and antibodies. According to vaccine science, your body is subjected to a weakened virus with a very specific RNA protein pattern. Your body then builds a defensive "blueprint" based precisely on this protein pattern. You then generate "antibodies" which protect you from that protein pattern. These antibodies are pattern-specific, not universal, which is why immunity to smallpox, for example, doesn't automatically grant you immunity to Ebola.

But wait! According to vaccine magic, even when they injected you with the wrong protein patterns (attenuated viruses) and your body builds the wrong antibodies, the vaccine propagandists magically claim that it all somehow works anyway. Vaccine science be damned. All vaccines are awesome merely because the vaccine industry says so, regardless of medical reality. The entire "protein pattern" explanation behind vaccine science is conveniently abandoned with the vaccine itself fails to contain the proper viral strain.

This is the same lunatic logic the cancer industry uses to push chemotherapy for non-cancer patients as a "preventative" measure. Yes, people that are not diagnosed with cancer are routinely pushed to accept chemotherapy treatments by profit-driven oncology centers. There's money to be made from chemotherapy, after all, so they flat-out lie to their patients and say chemotherapy "prevents cancer," even when the horrible truth is that chemotherapy causes cancer. So even if you didn't have cancer before you got the treatment, you're very likely to develop cancer after receiving it. How's that for a medical business model?


The binary vaccine trap: Nutrition is never mentioned as a safe, effective way to beat the flu

The scientifically illiterate media, by the way, is run by nutritionally deficient "journalists" who are routinely lobotomized with mercury in flu shots. No wonder they don't have the mental capacity to recommend the real solution to influenza infections: Nutrition and stress reduction.

Vaccine propaganda is a "binary trap," in other words: Every debate is about pro-vaccine vs. anti-vaccine. This "Overton Window" limits debate to the vaccine alone, avoiding any real discussion of far safer and more effective options that don't involve vaccines. Vitamins C and D, for example, are extremely effective at helping individuals mount an immune response that rapidly overcomes influenza infections.

Zinc, too, has been scientifically shown to limit the duration and severity of influenza infections. In fact, if you ask around, you'll probably find that people who take nutritional supplements instead of vaccines are extremely resistant to influenza. (For myself, I haven't had a vaccine shot in decades, yet I can't even remember the last time I had a cold or the flu.) Yet the very people who seem to get sick with the flu every year are the same ones who routinely get flu shots.

How can that be? The answer, shockingly, is that flu shots have been scientifically proven to weaken your immune response in subsequent years.

Flu vaccines scientifically proven to make you MORE vulnerable to the flu

As reported by Vaccines.news:

A medical study conducted at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that women who received flu vaccines had a weakened immune system response in subsequent years.

Lisa Christian, PhD, the lead researcher on the study, concluded, “Growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have lower antibody responses in the current year.”

The study proves yet again that the official narrative of the flu shot industry — and its complicit corporate-run media — is false and deliberately deceptive. Far from offering bulletproof protection, flu shots actually make people more vulnerable to influenza infections, which of course contributes to more people catching the flu and then falsely thinking they need more flu shots for “more protection.”

Meanwhile, the people who aren't being killed by the flu are those who turn to nutrition and immune enhancement to protect themselves.


10 ways to save your life and avoid the flu

  1. Avoid the flu shot. It doesn't work and weakens your immune response in subsequent years, according to the latest science. (See Vaccines.news)
  2. Wash your hands, especially after interacting with other people who might carry influenza.
  3. Avoid chronic stress. This also weakens your immune system.
  4. Get plenty of sleep. Your body's immune system rejuvenates itself while you sleep.
  5. Avoid highly strenuous exercise. Pushing your exercise too far can make you vulnerable to infections until you recover from the exercise stress.
  6. Boost your intake of vitamin D and vitamin C. Vitamin D is fat soluble and goes best with dietary fat sources. Consider 4000 IU - 10,000 IU per day during the flu season, but check with your holistic health practitioner to be certain what's right for you. Vitamin C is water soluble and can be consumed in surprisingly large amounts of up to 25,000 mg per day, to the tolerance of your gut. (If you overdose, you'll have loose stools.) Look for non-GMO vitamin C if you can find it.
  7. Make sure you're getting plenty of zinc, a trace mineral that helps block influenza viruses from invading your body.
  8. Consider immune-boosting or adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha, licorice root, ginger, garlic, turmeric and echinacea. Read Herbs.news for more news coverage of herbal remedies.
  9. Drink plenty of water to stay fully hydrated. Ginger tea is also a highly recommended beverage, but avoid cold drinks and sodas. See Six Immune-Building Foods And Herbs You Need To Consume To Stay Healthy.
  10. Read Health.news for daily updates on health enhancing herbs, supplements, lifestyle habits and superfoods.

Finally, don't believe the lying media which is 100% beholden to the pharmaceutical industry. In exactly the same way the media refuses to report the truth about the FISA warrant memo or the #UraniumOne scandal, the media will never voluntarily tell you how to beat the flu without resorting to Big Pharma's toxic injections or medications.


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