A mother from New York is taking a bold stand against the LGBT mafia and its relentless and demonic war against innocent children. Kristie Sisson says that transgender activism and its youth-centric indoctrination agenda ultimately led her daughter, Danielle, to want to transition into being her “son” – and she isn’t going to stand for it.
According to Sisson, it all started when the family decided to move from Long Island down to North Carolina after Danielle graduated from public middle school. The adjustment process for Danielle was rough, which led her to seek acceptance from whoever would give it.
This led her to a friend who happened to be a lesbian, and who apparently convinced Danielle that she, too, was a lesbian – even though she had always grown up liking boys. After being enrolled in a private high school in North Carolina, Danielle encountered several biological girls who were in the process of trying to transition into boys, to which Danielle also jumped on the bandwagon.
In the fall of 2016 things got really ugly, as Danielle informed her parents that she wanted to start dressing like a boy and would soon pursue surgery to become a “male.” This took Danielle’s parents completely off guard, as they were unaware at the time that Danielle was being so innately influenced by her new friends.
“It took us completely by surprise,” Sisson told Breitbart News, “because Danielle had a normal childhood, did all of the typical girl things – from dressing up like the princesses, to playing with dolls, to wearing make-up, perfume, and jewelry.”
While Kristie Sisson and her husband say they never prohibited their daughter from interacting with lesbians and transgenders prior to this drastic change in Danielle’s mindset, they very quickly became the victims of LGBT assault simply for trying to advise their daughter on a better path.
Danielle was sent to a therapist who had promised her parents that she wasn’t going to just affirm Danielle’s desire to transition to being a “male.” But this turned out to be a lie, upon which the Sissons sent their daughter to another therapist who, in effect, did the exact same thing – after just 30 minutes of speaking with Danielle.
“I feel like it’s the parents against the world,” Sisson lamented. “The therapists, the doctors, the schools – everyone is pushing this very liberal agenda and this transgender movement, and it’s harming our children.”
“Danielle is going to end up mutilating her body. She wants to have a mastectomy. She wants to have a hysterectomy.”
Danielle ended up taking matters into her own hands with the help of her new “friends,” and the families of these “friends,” many of whom helped her to raise thousands of dollars for surgery and continued education after her parents said they could no longer support Danielle in her misguided actions.
Many prominent organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Pediatric Endocrine Society (PES) that once recognized transgenderism as the mental illness that it is are now endorsing “gender changes” as well, which is making it that much harder to protect children from this onslaught of perversion.
“Transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws,’ writes pediatrician and researcher Dr. Michelle Cretella, a mother of four and president of the American College of Pediatricians (ACP). “It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us – children – and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community.”
The ACP is bold in asserting that one’s biological sex is a permanent fixture, and that it can’t be changed as the LGBT mafia claims. And to subject children to such lies represents a form of child abuse that parents need to put a stop to by joining together and fighting back.
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