In an unbelievable development that ought to outrage every single American, election officials in Georgia are essentially accusing the Obama administration of attempting to hack into the state’s electronic balloting machines in what appears to be a naked political ploy.
This is a no-kidding red alert political emergency, and it cannot be allowed to go unpunished.
As reported by WSBTV in Atlanta, the Georgia secretary of state, Brian Kemp, is demanding answers from the Department of Homeland Security after election officials there traced nearly a dozen hacking attempts back to the agency.
Kemp, in an interview with the local news, said he was “mad as hell” after what he described as a massive cyberattack on the state’s electronic balloting network were traced back to a DHS IP address.
“It’s outrageous to think about our own federal government is doing this to us,” he said.
During the interview a visibly frustrated Kemp confirmed attacks of varying levels on his agency’s network over the previous 10 months, all of which were traced back to DHS Internet Service Provider addresses.
“We’re being told something that they think they have it figured out, yet nobody’s really showed us how this happened,” Kemp said. “We need to know.”
Not coincidentally, the hacks occurred during a time when DHS was attempting to convince states they needed the Obama administration to help them monitor their electronic balloting to help guard against ‘Russian hacking.’
It just so happens that Georgia was one of the primary states DHS had approached.
The first hack occurred on Feb. 2, the following day after Georgia’s voter registration deadline passed. The next attack took place just a few days before the SEC primary.
Then another attack came in May, one day before Georgia’s general primary; two more followed in November, the day before and the day after the Nov. 8 general election.
“It makes you wonder if somebody was trying to prove a point,” Kemp told the local news, adding that his systems’ firewall held up and the balloting was never breached.
Indeed. It should also make us wonder just what laws were violated and, more importantly, who ordered these cyberattacks on an American state’s electronic balloting system.
“We’re demanding answers to some of these questions, you know? Are they doing this to other states? Was it authorized or not? Who ordered this? Why is it being done and why weren’t we notified?” Kemp said, adding that he has sent a terse letter to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson demanding answers.
Sounds like the Obama administration has been working on their fake post-election narrative, “The Russians hacked the election for Trump!” for months now.
As for DHS, Kemp says the agency keeps changing its story.
“First it was an employee in Corpus Christi, and now it’s a contractor in Georgia,” Kemp said.
This is outrageous, to say the least. The incoming Trump administration should look into this immediately; draining the D.C. swamp will involve rooting out all of the corruption buried deep within the federal bureaucracy.
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