For years it has been the goal of leftists to normalize horrific, morally corrupt behavior while painting traditional American values as hateful and bigoted. While any logical person can look at this and see just how twisted this is, many people have been brainwashed by this globalist nonsense — thanks to the rhetoric pushed by the mainstream media.
Ultra-leftist publication Salon has been pushing for average Americans to accept “pedophile rights” and acknowledge that people who want to have sexual intercourse with children are “normal.” Yes, we have reached the point where the Regressive Left is trying to defend those who want to prey on innocent children because that is where we are as a country now.
Kit Daniels of Infowars reports, “Now it makes sense why so many leftists are constantly attacking the Constitution, and why Hillary Clinton saw herself as above the law. This rejection of objective standards in favor of moral relativism is exactly why the left is increasingly defending pedophiles: under moral relativism, to say pedophilia is wrong is no different than saying the color yellow is ugly.”
It is both disgusting and horrifying that this is the direction that America is headed. There are people in the mainstream media who are trying to normalize these evil monsters. It is a dangerous thing to do, but it isn’t exactly surprising. After all, the left has been trying to do this for quite some time now. They try to make the most awful kinds of behavior seem like something that not only shouldn’t be demonized, but should be celebrated in a way.
These are the same idiots who paint a negative light on people who only believe in two genders or eliminating the welfare state. They are looking to wage a cultural war on the rest of the United States and conservatives and libertarians need to be prepared to fight this battle. For the future of our country, we need to treat this kind of behavior like the cancer that it is. By merely ignoring it, we are not doing our part to fight for the values that will allow our country to grow in a positive way.
Pedophiles are not normal. They should not be treated as if they are normal. They should be treated like the twisted parasites that they are. It’s time to get tough, America. It is more important now than ever that we win the culture war.
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