Kevin Shipp, a highly decorated and top ranked ex-CIA counter intelligence officer told the Canada Free Press that his experience working for the federal government agency was akin to being “in the belly of the beast.” But, it didn’t start out that way. Shipp joined the agency because he wanted to defend his nation and pledged to “uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” He wasn’t expecting the CIA to be the enemy. It started in the mid 1990s, when Shipp discovered evidence of a “vulnerability” in CIA operations that put many undercover agents at serious risk. When he delivered his evidence to top CIA channels, it disappeared, twice. On his third attempt, he “hand carried the report to the highest levels of the CIA.”
The breach wasn’t fixed. So Shipp went to the Department of State Inspector General, who accepted the findings. But the CIA merely received a slap on the wrist. After these events, Kevin Shipp and his family felt the wrath of the mammoth agency. They were moved to another location and, as he details in his book, From the Company of Shadows, the toxic living quarters his family was assigned to nearly killed them. Shipp courageously fought back, and at great personal cost, became a whistleblower. Today he is sounding alarms about geoengineering programs, vaccines and the autism link, the 9/11 false flag terror event and how our food supply is poisoned with genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Shipp’s experience in the “belly of the beast” also gave him a powerful insider perspective about how the “deep state” – or shadow government – continues to mandate these deadly programs, despite the dangerous health effects and the growing protests of the American people. At a speech given in Northern California for, Shipp details the sinister and systematic fear based system employed to keep whistleblowers quiet. The dark forces in charge use a combination of intimidating techniques; non disclosure agreements that eliminate constitutional rights, threats of prison, promotion denial, pension theft, false accusations, falsified psychological reports, demotions, harassment and even death.
There may be hundreds of thousands of potential whistleblowers in the ranks of our military and other government agencies. And there is no doubt that, if an employee were to expose the dark underbelly of what they see or do every day, there may be a serious personal cost. Kevin Shipp said he stopped having fear. Will you?
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