It seems like forever ago when 17 Republican presidential candidates were competing for votes and attention, when the seven-person “undercard” and the 10-candidate main events would be held by the cable news channels on the same day, just hours apart.
There were a number of memorable moments, though, and each candidate had his or her moment, for sure. But one candidate emerged from that crowded field, and he just happens to be the most unlikely of all of them: Donald Trump.
The Donald had one of his best moments during a GOP presidential debate hosted by CNN. As NaturalNews editor and founder Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported at the time, the cable channel’s debate moderators attempted to ridicule and destroy Trump with a “gotcha” question about his stance on vaccines and autism.
As Natural News readers are aware, a top CDC scientist has publicly confessed to taking part in the CDC’s fraudulent cover-up of data linking vaccines to autism in African-Americans. But of course the mainstream media – including CNN – and the CDC have gone to great lengths to censor that confession, bury the truth and continue pretending that vaccines have no links to autism whatsoever.
But of all the presidential contenders, Trump is the only one who has publicly expressed intelligent skepticism over the ridiculous and potentially harmful vaccine schedule pushed on American children by a federal regulatory machine that is run by Big Pharma profit motives.
During the Q&A, it was clear that CNN was attempting to discredit Trump over the issue. Trump was asked a question that was tainted with all of the usual pro-vaccine propaganda which claims, falsely, that vaccines carry no risk whatsoever and that as such they could not possibly be linked to higher incidents of autisms.
The question to the eventual GOP frontrunner essentially accused him of being too medically incompetent to make any claims whatsoever about health care, and that he lacked the scientific chops as well. But when CNN posed the question, Trump’s answer was a thing of beauty and quite brilliant.
Saying that he is in favor of vaccines in principle, he also explained, “But I want smaller doses over a longer period of time.”
Like a number of informed pediatricians and parents, Trump is very skeptical of the false promises made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the vaccine industry that it promotes.
He even went on to tell a story about vaccines and autism:
Autism has become an epidemic… Because you take a baby in, and I’ve seen it, and I’ve seen it, and I had my children taken care of, over a long period of time, over a two or three year period of time, same exact amount, but you take this little beautiful baby, and you pump – I mean, it looks just like it’s meant for a horse, not for a child, and we’ve had so many instances, people that work for me, just the other day, two-years-old, two-and-a-half-years-old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back, and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic. …I’m in favor of vaccines [but] do them over a longer period of time, same amount, but just in little sections. I think you’re going to have – I think you’re going to see a big impact on autism.
Following Trump’s answer CNN turned to one of two actual physicians in the crowded Republican field – genius neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson – in an obvious attempt at convincing him to attack Trump for his stance. But while professing his overall faith in vaccines, Carson did say this: “We are probably giving way too many in too short a period of time…”
Suddenly there were two GOP presidential contenders on the same track – that we give too many vaccines too soon and in too large amounts.
Finally, perhaps in desperation, the CNN moderators turned to the other physician on the Republican panel, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., but he too, confirmed what the Trumpster and Carson said:
I’m all for vaccines, but I’m also for freedom. I’m concerned about how they’re bunched up… I ought to have the right to spread out the vaccines a little bit…
Game, set and match…for Trump.
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