ALL POSTS TAGGED WITH climate change
06/01/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( The global warming being pushed on us by global governments is a science fraud. The satellite data purported to show


05/26/2016 / By D. Samuelson

In Stockholm, 1972, the United Nations made a declaration about what they defined as the human environment. A cursory reading of


05/17/2016 / By JD Heyes

The man-caused global warming/climate change hoaxers are really getting desperate in their bid to convince people that modern life is


05/17/2016 / By JD Heyes

Like his Trans Pacific Partnership agreement, the devil is in the details of the so-called “climate change” agreement President Obama


05/12/2016 / By Greg White

There are a host of existential threats that could wipe out humanity, from virulent viruses to the development of artificial


05/04/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

Climate alarmists on the Left don’t want to hear it, and in fact want to punish – like, with fines and


04/22/2016 / By Ethan Huff

A new federal government program seeks to indoctrinate the next generation of farmers into believing that everyday humans are somehow


04/15/2016 / By JD Heyes

One of the most divisive issues today is that of so-called global warming/climate change. But, no matter where you stand


04/14/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( U.S. Virginia Islands Attorney General Claude Walker has issued a subpoena to the Washington-D.C. based Competitive Enterprise Institute seeking 10


04/08/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia

( A little more than 530 years ago, circa 1478, the Spanish Inquisition began as an effort by a tyrannical


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