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Kamala’s brother-in-law fleeced BILLIONS from U.S. taxpayers to funnel into left-wing groups, lawyers

a month ago -

Kamala's brother-in-law Tony West, who headed up the Department of Justice's (DOJ) Civil Division back during the Barack Obama years, is poised to "claim the crooked crown" from Kamala in the event her backers are successful in pulling off another election heist.

West, who is married to Kamala's sister Maya, invented what the New York Post described as an "Honest Graft" by manipulating the purse strings of the DOJ's Judgment Fund, which is used to settle civil suits against ...

The mainstream media is helping Big Pharma promote high-profit weight loss injections

July 25, 2024 -

Multiple mainstream media outlets have been doing segments on Ozempic, not only touting the injectable diabetes drug’s weight loss benefits but also pointing to other supposed benefits, like a clip on NBC that claimed it can reduce the risk of cancer.

What they’re not talking about nearly as much are the scary side effects of these so-called weight loss “miracles,” but that shouldn’t be surprising when you consider how heavily pharmaceutical companies advertise in the mainstream ...

The party of DEATH: Poll finds 30% of Democrats wish TRUMP HAD BEEN KILLED in the assassination attempt

July 24, 2024 -

The poll, conducted by UnHerd on July 18, reveals that 30 percent of Democratic voters agree with the statement "I wish Trump's assassin hadn't missed" and only 70 percent are relieved that the would-be assassin failed. The poll used a concealed technique called a list experiment to allow respondents to express their true feelings on the matter anonymously.

Survey analyst Ethan Kaufmann, a professor of politics at the University of Buckingham, noted that the findings indicate ...

Pentagon plans to serve LAB-GROWN MEAT to troops in the name of climate change

June 18, 2024 -

The Washington Free Beacon reported that BioMADE, a public-private partnership that has received more than $500 million from the DoD, is responsible for the endeavor. BioMADE announced on its website on June 3 that it is looking for new ideas to reduce the CO2 emissions from food production and transport at military sites. These ideas include "novel cell culture methods suitable for the production of cultivated meat or protein" – essentially a euphemism for lab-grown fake meat....

This ‘everyone’s a spy’ insanity will lead to a ‘free speech bloodbath’ if the American people let it: ‘terrifying’ new FISA bill will solidify America becoming a full-scale police state

April 18, 2024 - Ethan Huff warns in this new story, we're witnessing nothing less than the United States government once again trying to turn the American people against one another with a new "Everyone is a spy" surveillance bill that is being quietly ushered through Congress. Briefly, from this story.:

The Senate is set to vote on the FISA reauthorization bill that includes a provision forcing any company or individual that provides ANY communications service to become a pawn ...

Global eugenicists pick ‘the vax’ as the ‘hill they’ll die on’: New round of butchering humanity launched to appease the genocidal psychopaths in the WHO, WEF, CDC and ‘Big Pharma’

February 13, 2024 - Ethan Huff warns us all in this new story at Natural News, now Bill Gates and the globalists are pushing 'patches' instead of 'injections' as 'the answer,' hoping that the people who'll no longer allow medical authorities to 'stick them' in their arms will instead willingly line up to have a 'patch' applied to their skin.

Straight from the mouth of Bill Gates from this January story over at Newsweek titled "Bill Gates Reveals Plan to Change Vaccines" despite the ...

SMOKING GUN: Uncovered spike protein “SARS-CoV” blueprints reveal PLANNED RELEASE of deadly COVID bioweapon

January 02, 2024 -

Making the "lab leak (theory) almost certain," the documents in question, which were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, contain the blueprints for developing these engineered "spike proteins," the job of which was to infect human cells and become "inserted into SARS-Covid backbones."

All of this took place at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) starting in December 2018. About a year later, the first "cases" of COVID injection were ...

Supreme Court ruling could upend 300 J6 convictions and impact case against Trump

December 20, 2023 -

The case, Fischer v. United States, involves the prosecution of January 6 defendant Joseph Fischer. The former police officer was accused of inflaming a mob that tried to enter the Capitol and pushing against police, and he was charged with multiple federal crimes. His case challenges the Justice Department’s interpretation of the charge of “obstruction of an official proceeding,” section 1512(c)(2), which was also used against hundreds of other defendants who took part in ...

“Leave the World Behind” movie foreshadows massive cyber attack false flag event to come

December 13, 2023 -

Now let's talk about the movie "Leave the World Behind." This movie was produced with funding from a company owned, as I understand it by Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. It was directed by Sam Esmail. And it stars among others, Julia Roberts, Ethan Hawke, Mahershala Ali, who's a great actor, I really admire his acting by the way, and Kevin Bacon.

The movie is all the rage right now, for whatever reason. It's filled with a lot of symbolism. And some people say there ...

RFK, Jr. exposes dark secrets of U.S. bioweapons program in new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up”

December 14, 2023 -

Because this transcript is auto-generated, expect a few errors.

Welcome to Brighteon broadcast news for Thursday, December 14 2023. First of all, we've got highlights from a new book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, it just came out, I think a week ago, I got my hands on a copy of the PDF, thanks to the publisher Skyhorse providing it. And the book is called the Wuhan cover up, and the terrifying bioweapons arms race. And I've got to say, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He gets it....

Beyond Meat struggles to address declining sales – people will always choose REAL over FAKE

November 10, 2023 -

Executives from the El Segundo, California-based company said the percentage of people in the U.S. who believe plant-based meats are healthy is likely to have dropped further this year. Based on data from the Food Marketing Institute, it was 50 percent in 2020 and fell to 38 percent in 2022.

Beyond Meat's woes are exacerbated by a relentless weakness in demand for plant-based meats in the country. The company has taken to offering steeper discounts for its products ...

Fake meat food bubble is bursting: Beyond Meat slashes revenue outlook, plans to cut jobs

November 06, 2023 -

The plant-based meat factory said it now expects full-year revenue of $330 million to $340 million – down from its prior range of $360 million to $380 million. It estimates that its planned staff cutbacks, including some executive-level positions, will result in up to $10.5 million in savings.

Beyond Meat's money-saving program includes a potential restructuring of its operations in China, pricing changes, shifts in manufacturing capacity and real estate and the possible ...

Clean energy breakthrough: eVinci nuclear microreactor from Westinghouse receives DOE contract

October 27, 2023 -

The nuclear microreactor marks a significant energy breakthrough, providing safe, carbon-free energy that is easily scalable and highly portable. It can be used to provide heating and electricity to everything from data centers and defense facilities to mining operations, remote communities and eventually the surface of the moon.

What sets it apart from other solutions is its low number of moving parts, which enables it to act like a battery while providing up to 5 megawatts ...

During COVID, Fauci was SMUGGLED into CIA headquarters to “influence” agency’s pandemic investigation; EcoHealth Alliance “a CIA front organization”

September 28, 2023 -

Congressional investigators just dropped a bombshell report about how Tony Fauci was allegedly smuggled into CIA headquarters "without a record of entry" where he "participated in the analysis to 'influence' the agency's COVID-19 investigation."

Former EcoHealth Alliance scientist Dr. Andrew Huff would know, seeing as how he saw behind the scenes the ways in which the CIA was the one running things through this "front organization."

Be sure to check out the ...

Whistleblower: CIA BRIBED analysts to change their findings on COVID-19 origins

September 19, 2023 -

Two Ohio congressmen, Reps. Brad Wenstrup and Mike Turner, outlined this "new and concerning" revelation in a Sept. 12 letter to CIA Director William Burns. Wenstrup heads the House COVID-19 Select Subcommittee, while Turner heads the House Intelligence Committee. Their letter to Burns shared the testimony of a "multi-decade, senior-level, current [CIA] officer."

"According to the whistleblower, the [CIA] assigned seven officers to a COVID Discovery Team [that] consisted ...

Decorated military veteran and Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years in prison over J6 involvement

September 01, 2023 -

The 17-year prison sentence for Biggs is the second-longest sentence handed down yet in connection to the events on Jan. 6 at the Capitol. U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly found Biggs guilty of seditious conspiracy and obstructing Congress' certification of President Joe Biden's supposed victory in the 2020 elections.

Prosecutors initially recommended that Biggs receive 33 years in prison for allegedly being the leader of the Proud Boys members who went to the Capitol ...

Mobile phone networks (i.e., Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile) allow Big Government to rig and steal elections: HERE’S HOW

August 16, 2023 -

These nationwide mobile phone providers allowed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Election Assistance Commission, and various leftist- and globalist-funded corporations, foreign companies, and private partners to monitor all election data in real time so they could implement the fix.

David and Erin Clements in a guest post for explain that many analysts skilled at studying election integrity have concluded that there must have been a two-way connection ...

Biden administration FINALLY ends HHS funding for Wuhan Institute of Virology

July 20, 2023 -

Biden's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) notified the institute about the suspension on Monday, July 17, following a department review that began in September 2022, raising concerns that the institute where the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) first emerged is violating biosafety protocols and isn't complying with United States safety regulations. (Related: Investigation shows taxpayers may have been DOUBLE BILLED by US government for projects in Wuhan.)

A memorandum ...

Nursing program head at BCIT speaks out against China’s forced ORGAN HARVESTING

July 19, 2023 -

Tony Chacon, head of the?Nephrology Nursing Specialty Program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), first caught wind of the issue when some BCIT patients received an organ transplant soon after traveling to China. The approvals were suspicious because there is often a much longer wait time for organ transplants in Western countries.

At the 2023 Congress of the International Nurses Council (INC) in Montreal, Chacon explained that patients of the BCIT transplant ...

Former researcher at Wuhan lab reveals COVID-19 was developed by the CCP as a BIOWEAPON

July 06, 2023 -

Erstwhile WIV researcher-turned-whistleblower Chao Shao disclosed that the CCP ordered testing of coronavirus strains with the goal of human contagion. During the interview with the Jerusalem Post conducted by human rights activist and author Jennifer Zeng, he said some of his fellow researchers disappeared during the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan.

One of his colleagues claimed they were sent to hotels to inspect "health and hygiene conditions." However, Shao thinks ... © 2023 All Rights Reserved. All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. is not responsible for content written by contributing authors. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms and those published on this site. All trademarks, registered trademarks and servicemarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners.

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