Deep state FBI working overtime to protect Black Lives Matter terrorists while prosecuting critics who dare defend America
06/22/2020 / By Ethan Huff / Comments
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Deep state FBI working overtime to protect Black Lives Matter terrorists while prosecuting critics who dare defend America

Cities across America are laying waste to all kinds of violence and destruction at the hands of Antifa and Black Lives Matter “protesters,” and the Federal Bureau of Investigation is keeping itself busy going after conservatives who express opposition to the chaos online.

Once again highlighting the chasm that exists between the Trump administration, which recently declared Antifa to be a domestic terrorist organization, and the nation’s top law enforcement agencies, the FBI is apparently more concerned with policing the internet – presumably to get back at Trump for statements he has made in the past against the agency – than it is with policing and protecting America’s streets, which are under direct attack by raging leftist mobs.

Just the other day, the Department of Justice announced in a press release that FBI agents had apprehended a 42-year-old El Paso resident by the name of Manuel Flores for allegedly “posting a threatening communication over the Internet.” Flores is said to have written a few racial slurs on social media and dared BLM activists to “stop him” from exercising his Constitutional rights.

Rather than evaluate the context of Flores’ statements and consider the nature of his target, the FBI instead went after Flores himself after deeming him the “threat.” According to the FBI, Flores may have tried to commit “violence,” and thus needed to be taken into custody.

“Our office will treat any threats of violence against protesters extremely seriously,” wrote U.S. Attorney John Bash in a tweeted statement, indicating the agency’s position on what constitutes a “protester.”

Since the beginning of this latest wave of Antifa and BLM rioting, the FBI has positioned itself as being on the side of the agitators rather than those they are agitating. In this case, the FBI would rather go after an internet troll than the violent individuals he was trolling.

Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about how Democrat-controlled cities, which is where a bulk of the Antifa and BLM violence is taking place, will eventually collapse under the weight of their own “tolerance:”

According to the FBI, Antifa has committed NO violence thus far

Since Antifa is apparently not a threat in the eyes of the FBI, just who, exactly, is committing all of that violence and looting in streets across America? According to the FBI, conservatives and right-wingers are to blame.

As for Antifa, the FBI says that it currently has “no intelligence” indicating any left-wing involvement in the burning down of buildings or violence committed against innocent people. And this is according to “CHS [Confidential Human Source] canvassing, open source / social media partner engagement, and liaison,” all of which supposedly absolve Antifa from any and all blame in committing crimes.

The FBI has even gone so far as to blame people like Flores for supposedly inciting violence on social media. Individuals like Flores have “called for far-right provocateurs to attack federal agents,” according to the FBI, as well as “use automatic weapons against protesters.”

The DHS is likewise blaming far-right social media posts for inciting those who follow these posts “to engage in violence and start the ‘boogaloo'” – boogaloo being a term used by some people to refer to agitators who might try to shoot into a crowd in order to ignite a second civil war.

“The deep state clearly wants these riots to continue, as it may be their only chance to avoid the Trump administration’s reprisal for their illegal Russian collusion witch hunt and various other criminal activities,” writes Shane Trejo for Big League Politics.

For more of the latest news about Antifa terrorism, be sure to check out

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