Billionaire media mogul Oprah Winfrey recently staged a “conversation” with other far-leftists about the George Floyd saga, during which she compared the incident to the days of Jim Crow “when black men would be lynched and dragged through the town as an example for other people to see.”
The black female icon, who owns at least seven different properties worth more than $100 million collectively, apparently believes that black people in America today are still being lynched left and right and do not have the same opportunities as white people.
Speaking to film director Ava DuVernay and failed Georgia candidate for governor Stacey Abrams, Winfrey took them and listeners on a journey through a manufactured fantasy world where black people are still being whipped by slave owners and killed on-sight every time they dare to venture out in public.
“Over the years of the Oprah show, I did over 100 shows about racism. In all of those experiences, though, I don’t recall a moment quite like this one. Because we find our nation on a precipice, a true tipping point, I believe,” Winfrey is quoted as saying.
“And just like all of you for the past few weeks, I’ve been talking and Zooming with friends, and the same question keeps popping up over and over. Is this the moment that will finally change our country, where people will recognize systemic racism for the problem and the evil that it is?” she added.
Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discusses the lunacy of phony concepts like “systemic racism” while urging people to thank police officers for their service rather than chastise them:
Winfrey, whose net worth is currently in the ballpark of around $3.1 billion – you can view her many lavish estates, private jet, and new Tesla vehicle at this link – further told DuVernay and Abrams that there is no moving “forward” for her or any other black person “without calling out that pain,” referring to the segregation, lynching and other horrors she and other black people are apparently still having to endure in the year 2020.
“Watching the life seep from George Floyd’s body caused a kind of universal shock and pain. For black people everywhere, we recognized that knee on the neck,” she added, including herself in the same category of black people who have supposedly endured knees to the neck.
As if this was not enough nauseating, make-believe tripe, Winfrey went on to talk about the “memory” that she and other black people have about “everything that’s gone in the past,” which she says is “re-traumatizing” every time it has to be seen on the television.
Winfrey, as you may recall, was good buddies with a so-called “faith healer” and “spiritual guru” by the name of Joao Teixeira de Faria who was outed back in early 2019 for running a sex slave farm that auctioned off victims’ babies to the highest bidders.
One wonders how these poor victims feel every time they have to be re-traumatized seeing Winfrey up on the world stage role-playing like some kind of victim of racism, even as she holds the title for one of the world’s richest people, along with many other black billionaires.
“If this were the 1800s she would be one of the black slave-owners who became rich by taking advantage of other blacks and if it were the 1700s she would be one of the blacks back in Africa making a fortune selling other blacks into slavery,” wrote one Breitbart News commenter, making an excellent point about how wealthy black people also owned slaves.
For more related news about celebrities spewing nonsense in response to the George Floyd psy-op, be sure to check out
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