If you’ve been a Democrat for years or even decades, we understand, but now is the time to realize that the leaders of the Democratic party have gone completely insane, and it’s time to vote all of them out of their offices, because they will all toe the party line of extreme communism and the installation of a 2nd Holocaust, should they win in 2020. If that sounds too extreme to believe, just remember, the Jews of the Holocaust thought just the same, until they heard rumors of their people being murdered in the “re-education camps” of Nazi Germany. The Bernie Sanders camp is already promoting re-education camps in America for every single Trump supporter. Keep reading.
Once installed, socialism will quickly become communism, and communism will quickly morph into genocide. Radical Islamic Muslims and psychopathic Left wing extremists with knives and Molotov cocktails will hunt down Jews like the Third Reich. They will have UN forces and FBI swat teams invade homes without search warrants (think post-Boston Marathon Bombing illegal searches and Roger Stone early morning raid here). Folks, the litmus tests are underway now. As the Democrat leaders are the terrorists, they will label everyone who supports Trump as a terrorist. They always call the enemy exactly what they are themselves. Need examples?
Bernie Sanders, the self-proclaimed communist, already has key campaign field managers pushing for support for re-education camps for all Trump supporters, who they claim are white supremacists, in order to cover up the real Demoncrat scheme. The Left now believes that only violence and genocide of the Right can solve their “problems” with “Amerika” (the country they despise).
New York Jews are already doubling down to secure weaponry before the Holocaust, that may start in New York City, as gun permit applications surge. Meanwhile, the insidious Leftist politicians write laws to force vaccinate all Orthodox Jewish children at gunpoint while telling Jews they will have to register all their guns soon or face prison time.
Trump cannot drain the swamp fast enough. The Department of Justice itself has over 100,000 employees, tens of thousands of whom swore their loyalty to Obama (and still do) and his communist regime, including the FBI, ATF and DEA. These people will do anything to protect their jobs and their crooked ways.
Currently, the Left is preparing for the complete genocide of minorities in America, including Blacks, Jews, Christians, and even Hispanics (after they all vote for more tyranny). Just as Hitler made all the Jews register their guns before the Nazi SS Gestapo Agents went door to door to confiscate them all, the American Democrats are colluding to do the same, with funding from a multi-billionaire Nazi sympathizer infamously known now as George Soros.
Soros is the new Hitler, running the whole gambit from his secret lair, pushing violence via Antifa and impeachment hoaxes under the guise of Russia/Ukraine collusion. Bill Gates is leading the charge to force-vaccinate the sheeple with cancer and neurotoxins that will kill people and maim others to keep them from reproducing. This is not just population control, it’s population reduction through vaccines, and it’s real. That’s why Bill Gates pushes mostly for forced vaccination in Africa. Talk about white supremacy.
Trump is the ultimate “thorn in the side” of communism and the “New World Order” that the Democrats are scheming to install. Leftover Obamanites are like terror cells still working for the U.S. Government, from the inside. The Department of Justice IS the swamp, but Trump’s still in power. He will win the electoral college by landslide again as he tours all the swing states while the Democrats push their impeachment façade (and accomplish nothing else).
The FBI is setting the stage now to take leading Republicans out of power. The Democrats love Iranian terrorists, as we saw them all freak out when Trump took out their military leader recently. You would think he drone-killed some ally.
The Democrat leaders want to destroy Israel, and that’s why they support Iran, just as Obama did, financially, militarily, and for Jew-hating (anti-semetic) reasons. Get ready my Jewish tribesmen and women, because if you don’t vote Republican in 2020, you are indirectly voting for the next Holocaust, but this one will take place in America. So toast “L’Chaim” (to life) with that Manischewitz in Trump’s name, because he’s our only chance at preserving the Republic as we know it.
Tune your internet dial to Trump.news for updates on how the “New World Order” of globalists, including Nazi collaborator George Soros, Bill Gates and Jeff “Bozo” Bezos, are teaming up with demonistic Demoncrats to destroy our Republic and start the second Holocaust. If you’re Jewish, please, please, do not vote for any Democrats in 2020 or 2022.
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